Chapter 6

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***Megan's POV***

I woke up tied to a chair in a dark room with a camera pointed at me, I looked in the corner and saw Punk standing there with a bat.

"Look who's up." He turned the camera on, "Hey Randy, I bet your wondering where Megan is huh?" He pointed the camera at me and I tried to scream but there was tape on my mouth, "You'll never find her." He turned the camera off and walked over to me, he started kissing my neck. I started screaming but it was muffled by the tape, he stopped and hit my arm with the bat. He would kiss my neck after he would hit me with the bat... He moved his hands down to my thighs and I started crying because this has happened before, "Stop trying to scream bitch!" He smack me really hard then started kissing my chest, he was getting closer and closer to my breasts and that's when I started crying harder and tried screaming louder. He stopped kissing my body then slapped me hard again then grabbed my breast, I tried struggling but the ropes cut into me even more, "You deserve this you no good slut." He punched me then started kissing my whole chest, he was about to slip my top off when the door busted open. John, Dolph, and Mike ran in, John and Dolph took care of Punk while Mike untied me and took the tape off my mouth. When all the ropes were off me Mike tried to touch me but I fell to the floor out of my chair and slapped his hand away, John came over to me but I scooted away when he touched my arm, "I want Randy..." I said through the tears, a few minutes later Randy came running in then over to me instantly holding me in his arms, "Shhh, he touched you didn't he?" He whispered in my ear and I nodded my head yes, he picked me up bridal style and carried me out because the way Punk tied me the rope cut into my skin and it hurt to walk. He walked into his locker room and laid me down on the couch and he laid next to me, he stroked my hair and kissed me, "I love you." He told me.

"I love you to Randy boo." He smile knowing I felt better, "Do we still have a match?"

"No, but we do next Monday."

"Ok..." He gave me a smile that he only seemed to give me then kissed my forehead.

"Wanna go to the hotel?"


"What do you me by Ummm!?"

"Let's go hoe!"

"Wow..." We stood up and he held my hand and ran to the car, we got in and he sped to the hotel. He parked in the back where nobody else was, he pulled me in his lap and smirked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you."

"I love you to."

"You know what?"


"Your sitting on my crotch."

"Your the one who made me sit here!"

"Yea but that's not the issue..."

"Then what is?"

"We still have clothes on." I smirked and kissed him.

"Yes we do honey," I paused and leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Lets get up to the room first." He opened the door then started walking with me still in his arms, he walked in and people stared but Randy just smirked. We got to our room and he laid me down on the bed he hovered above me and moved some hair off my face, he kissed me then got off me and smirked.

"Your so weird." He told me and I smiled.

"So are you Randal, so are you."

"So, thought of anything for the wedding?"

"No... When should we have it?"



"Now! Come on let's do it!"

"Are you crazy Randy!?"

"About you..." I blushed, "How would we get married now?" I asked him sitting up.

"We're in LosVagus! Come on! I wanna make you my wife tonight." He said smiling.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this." I said standing up, Randy grabbed my hand and we ran to the car. He started it then drove to some place, he opened my door and we went inside, "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked.

"Yes." Randy talked to some guy then we went into a room where a preacher was.

~~Skipping to the end of it~~

"Do you Randal Keith Orton take Megan Lee Brooks to be your wife?"

"Hell ya! That's why I'm here! I mean I do." I laughed. Oh Randal, such a way with words... (SideBar- Megan is not related to CMPunk a.k.a- Phil Brooks. Just same last name!)

"Do you Megan Lee Brooks take Randal Keith Orton to be your husband?"

"I do."

"By the power invested in me by the sate of Nevada I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride." Randy pulled me close and gave me the sweetest kiss he has ever given me, we walked out and he picked me up and spun me around.

"I can't believe we just got married!" I said and kissed him.

"Well we did! Now guess what we get to do?"


"Honeymoon." He said winking at me, we ran to the car and drove back to the hotel. We ran upstairs but AJ and John stopped us, "Dude where have you guys been?!"

"We got married!" I yelled as Randy dragged me away. He picked me up and opened the door then laid me down on the bed. I think you get the picture ;)))))!

I woke up on a bare chest, I smirked and traced circles over his abs. "Havin fun?"

"You were earlier." I said.

"Oh yea? I've never seen you make those faces before." He said smirking.

"Shut up..." I said putting my head on his chest.

"So, your officially Megan Lee Orton."

"Yes I am and I love it."

"Well I love you."

"I love you to Randal." I said and pecked his lips, I started feeling sick so I ran into the bathroom and threw up twice. I felt someone hold my hair up, "You ok baby?"

"Yea, can you hand me a shirt?"

"Sure." He handed me his RKO shirt, big surprise! I put my hair up then threw up again, I leaned against the wall holding my stomach.

"You don't think..." I said looking at Randy.

"Maybe, we didn't use a condom last night..."

"So I might be pregnant?"


"Do you want a baby?"

"Yes, I would love to see a little Viper running around! But I mean, are you ready for it?"

"I am if you are." He held my hand and kissed my forehead, "I'm ready." He said smiling.

"Me to."

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