3. Bill Fucking Cipher

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There he was, standing like an ancient king in his glorious throne made of air, watching me with fire, I'd say eyes but he only had one, so fire burning in his eye.

-My, oh my, how much have you grown up since the last I saw you, now you're a fully grown-up woman. How nice.

His nasal and disdainful voice reverberated through the trees and send a shiver down my spine.

-What have I done?!- my voice sounded strangled as I was able to speak after a long time of just crying.

-Oh little shooting star, you've freed me, thanks to you now I can continue my revenge right where I left it. I am really thankful, for without your help none of this could happen, so thank you, shooting star.

No no no no no, this couldn't be happening, none of this was real, it had to be another nightmare... It had to be... I couldn't have freed Bill from his stone prison.

As if he had read my thoughts, Bill spoke again, his tone giving off joy, as if it seemed the funniest joke.

-What's wrong, sugar? I expected more enthusiasm for my return. I know you missed me, admit it, you missed me.

This was real, I had fucked up pretty good again. Tears slipped off my eyes.

-No shooting star, don't cry, don't bail your eyes out before I can show you what terror really is. I want you to sit and watch how I destroy everything you love- he whipped some tears with his black fingers and hold my face. I could see the devilish grin in his eye.

I started to hiccup, full-on sobbing, feeling dizzy and nauseous. I slipped out of his grip and, in a brave attempt, I started running towards the town.

I tripped over a few gnomes and some other creatures on the run, they also got paralyzed when they saw who was behind me.

-C'mon, shooting star, don't run from me, we have a business to amend. You shook my hand and freed me, now I have to repay you. Tell me, what would you like? A glitter pony? A vampire boyfriend? Or girlfriend, I don't discriminate, whatever you want shooting star.

I couldn't believe it, he was offering me a deal after all he had done... All because of me...

-I WANT NOTHING FROM YOU! LEAVE US ALONE!- I was panting from running and my shout came out whimpery and choked. My lungs were on fire and my throat was raspy.

-But shooting star, that's not how this works- he appeared in front of me and stopped me, literally stopped me, I was frozen, I couldn't move a muscle even if I tried, and I tried- You brought me back to life and now I have to give you something back.

I was finding it hard to breathe and my mind was clouded from the dread but I managed to speak.

-Then I want you to die!

-Whoopsie, sorry, can't do. Anything else you'd want?- the laugh in his voice was still present, marking his words.


He observed me for a moment as if he was looking through my soul for an answer and hummed softly. I tried to stay as still and implacable as I could, but the fright was too much and I was sure he could sense it, reading me like an open book, leaving me vulnerable, making me feel completely exposed and small.

He finally released me from being paralyzed and I fell with a thud to the ground, gasping loudly, being able to feel my body at last.

-There must be something you want, everyone wants something; money, power, immortality, knowledge...- when he mentioned knowledge grunkle Ford appeared in my mind, he had also succumbed to Bill's deals- You will want something eventually and I'll be there to please you. We have a deal after all and I'm a demon of word. Until then I'll be watching you, kid. And, remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!

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