10 1 1

6:28 AM

My alarm usually wakes me up at 6:30, but today I was awake before it could go off. I really wanted to sleep off yesterday, I was exhausted.

I was borrowing Michael's charger without his permission. I forgot mine at work but I had a feeling he wouldn't mind, I did wait until his phone was at full charge anyways. I basically watched my phone charge from 23% to 100 all night, I slept in 5 minute intervals, waking up to look at the lock screen I needed to change, but I just can't, I have a feeling there's something in this photo that will reveal all. Or maybe Michael has pranked me and won't admit it, either way it has kept me up all night.

I know Sophia said she would call into work for me, but I think it's what I need today. I peeled myself from the couch, trying to make as little noise as possible, it is a Saturday so this sleepover wasn't a very bad idea, but I have to get to work for 8:30.

I don't have my own vehicle so I usually take the bus, and it leaves the university stop at 8, I get up a little earlier so i make it to work on time.

I slowly make my way to the Sophia's bathroom, sitting on the toilet I unlock my phone and take a quick scroll through instagram. Emily is awake posting her inspirational quotes about breakups, bright and early. I reply with red hearts and message her a quick "miss you" and get up to wash my hands. I splash cold water on my face and look in the mirror above the sink, half thinking i'll see a shadow in the corner like the movies so I turn around, to my surprise I was alone in the small bathroom.

I leave the bathroom shutting the light off on my way out. Everyone is still asleep. I shuffled past the sleeping boys on the couch and the blonde girl snoring in her bunk bed for one, Sophia pays extra for no roommate.

I slid my shoes on as quietly as i could, opening the door and grabbing my backpack as I slowly shut the door, waiting for the click noise of the lock before letting go. The dorm hallways are usually always quiet in the early mornings of weekends, the usual people who do have to work have the sense to be quiet for the other students, either hungover or finally getting to rest from studying, or both. Fortunately for night now, my room isn't too far from Sophia's, which she had also paid extra for, because we absolutely had to be close to each other.

Approaching my door I got my keys ready from my backpack, placing it against the door as I unlocked it. My hands got shaky as I unlocked the door, remembering last nights events.

I pushed my door open and my room, still a mess. I threw my backpack onto my unmade bed and began picking up the garbage that had been knocked onto the floor. I picked up crumpled papers, wrappers and random snack bags from the last few weeks, I don't spend enough time in here to accumulate a lot of garbage.

I picked up a paper that wasn't crumpled and placed it on my desk, doing a double take of the floor, i noticed something.

Almost completely dry, muddy shoe print. I took my phone out of my pocket and squat down to take a picture. Examining the print on the floor for a second. Someone really did break into my room. I stared at the photo on my phone before sending it to the groupchat.

Amelia:*image attached* guys, when you wake up look what I found in my room.

I sat on my bed and glanced around, my body feels heavy from the lack of sleep, but i'm not tired. I turned on my phone and stared at the time, it's only 6:50. It'll be a few hours before they're awake, I should start getting ready for work. Choosing to ignore the shoe print on my floor I go into my bathroom and turn the shower on.

As i'm stripping myself of yesterday's clothes, my ears start ringing and my face is getting hot. I take a seat on the floor and my hands start shaking, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths, what is going on. Anxiety attack? Maybe i'm just dizzy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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