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Chapter 3

"Give you my word as you take it and run. wish you'd let me stay, I'm ready now."

Friends- Chase Atlantic




10:47 PM

"The police have stated that over 6 girls have disappeared in the last month. Two have been from Stockholm, two from London, two from Manchester. If you have seen any of these girls; please call 999."

Sophia sighed and shut the TV off, I placed my bowl of cheerios on her coffee table and sighed.

"This is sad and disgusting. I can't believe this has happened," Sophia scoffed and sat down beside me on her futon.

"Yeah well, what can we do," I roll my eyes at the tele.

"Yeah, that's true," Sophia agreed with me. I turn my head and face the blonde girl sat next to me. I leaned my head closer to the girl to see what she was doing on her phone. "Are you on tinder?" I chuckled.

The blonde frantically shut her off and threw it next to her. "Pft, pft, pft, noooooo, that sites for creeps, I don't do that," the blonde said, totally embarrassed.

"Sooo, that makes you a creep then?" I asked with a slight smirk,  she blushed and looked at her hands, ashamed.

"I'm gonna go shower. order some pizza or something if you get hungry," Sophia got off the couch and kept her head down. I snorted and grabbed my phone from my back pocket.

"What the fuck," I whispered, my heart dropped to my stomach at my lock screen.

Me, working.

Confused, disgusted and utterly alarmed, It's a photo of me, through the window of Costa coffee. i get i don't go on my phone much but how could this have happened? a sick joke perhaps? Michael usually pulls pranks like this to get us going but, this is making me physically ill. My lockscreen was originally set as a photo of Josh Dun from twenty one pilots.

I rolled my eyes and decided it was probably Michael messing with me.

I screenshotted my lockscreen and unlocked my phone and went to messages.

[To: Michael]

Hahaha very funny Michael *image attached*

I sent the message and waited for a response.

[From: Michael]

What the shit?

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and typed back my response.

[To: Michael]

You changed my lockscreen?

Soon after he replied and I couldn't tell if he was lying.

[From Michael]

No I didn't? I didn't go outside for break?

My heart dropped. Ashton couldn't have I didn't see him till after work?

If Michael didn't. Who did?

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