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Chapter 1

"Denominations, surrender all control, to the girl that you love, all control. Our indignation, to every tainted soul, and the girl you love, all control, the girl that you love."

"Followed her followed her followed her home."

Girl That You Love- Panic! At The disco




8:24 AM

I huffed out in disgust at how cold it was, adjusting my backpack and jacket at the same time.

It was drizzling with rain today. Which, also means, I wanted to stay home, drink coffee and watch Criminal Minds all day.

But, since I had to make a living, I had to go to work.

I push the doors to Costa Coffee open, like every other day and slid behind the counter.

I hang my jacket and backpack up on the coat hanger and grab the brown apron right next to it.

I tie that tightly around my waist, maybe too tightly but I can't be bothered with un-tying it.

I sigh and tie my unbrushed brown hair into a ponytail and wait for the first customer.

I prop my elbows on the counter and rub my face with annoyance. To sum up my feeling, work sucks ass and I hate it.

"Hello gorgeous," my friend Michael flirts with me, slapping my ass in the process.

"You're disgusting," I fake scowl at him, I turn around and face the green haired boy who happens to be the same height as me.

"How was your sleep?" He asks.

"Pretty good to be honest. Yours?." I sigh and impatiently tap my nails against the counter.

"School all week, work all weekend." He sing-songs.

"Yeah, story of my life." I say, as a customer strolls in, unfortunately.

"Hello, welcome to Costa Coffee, how may I help you?" I put on a fake smile and stare at the customer.

"I'll get a coffee, plain, black." The customer with a dark sweater and husky voice says.

My smile fades as I punch in the order to the cash register.

"Is that all?" I ask.

"Yes." He replies, coldly.

"That'll be £2.87." I smile at him.

He pulls out £5 and I grab it, our hands touch for a second, I jolt my arm back at my dismay, his hand was told to the touch.

I punch in a series of numbers and the cash register pops open.

I slide the bill in and collect his change.

"Here you go." I drop the change in his hands.

"What's your name?" I ask, as I grab a cup and the sharpie marker.

The man stares up at me and blushes.

"Luke." He says. Not breaking eye contact.

"Coffee! Plain!" I shout at Michael, as I write the name down. His face, now burned into my brain, replays like i'm still staring at him.

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