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Chapter 2

"Don't forget me, don't forget me, I wouldn't leave you if you'd let me,"

Trouble- Halsey.




6:15 PM

"What the fuck do you mean 'she's next' Michael?" Ashton slowly turns his body to face his friend.

Michael throws his hands up in frustration.

"Fuck, Ashton, you know what I mean. She's next!" Michael looks out the window and chuckles.

I look at the boy with many emotions. Fear and confusion being the most dominant of feelings.

"Mikey, what do you mean?" Sophia says. Her voice was gentle and soothing, as if she wanted to calm the boy down.

I groan and throw my head back in frustration, rubbing my eyes at the same time.

"Guys, don't make this a big deal. I just feel sick, let's go to the drug store and buy some paracetamol or something, please?" I beg my friends. All their panicking was very unnecessary.

Michael scoffs and taps his fingers on the car door. Pulling his phone out of his back pocket, along with his earphones.

Ashton smacks his lips and looks out the window as well.

Sophia starts her car and backs out of the parking lot. Driving steadily down the road.

I look at Michael, fear was written all over his face.

"Mikey?" I call him by his nickname, hoping that will put a smile or even a smirk on the beautiful boys face.

He turned his head away from me. Confused, I scooted closer to the boy and tapped his shoulder.

He sniffled and his breathing was shaky signifying that he was crying.

I hesitantly placed my head upon his shoulder, he didn't flinch so I kept it there. Staring at my green haired friend.

"Michael? Are you crying?" I whispered, I facepalm as I realize how dumb I sounded.

He turned his head, I removed my head from his shoulder. his eyes brimmed with tears.

"Michael, what's wrong?" I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers, brushing my thumb across his knuckles, slowly.

"I-I just don't want you to end up like Jason," Michael said. My eyes widened.


The car stopped suddenly, I went flying forward. My body went flying into the glove compartment, pain shooting around my body at all angles. I coughed violently, causing my body to shake.

"Michael!" Ashton yelled at the green haired boy. I looked at Ashton, he had his face in his hands.

"It's true! Don't deny it!" Michael yelled back at Ashton.

I removed myself from the glove compartment and sat down, quickly. My arms wrapped around my stomach as I groaned in pain.

"And what do you know about Jason?! Huh, Michael?!" Sophia screamed at Michael.

"I was his best friend Sophia! I knew him my whole life!" He spat back at her.

She laughed hysterically.

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