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8:28 pm

"No, I can't, I have work tomorrow. Do you wanna come around after work though?" I laugh at my friends request to go to the bar down the road.

"Come on, you're always so boring Mia. Anyways, do you have the notes from last class? I don't have them and I need to pass this class, or my parents will literally kill me," My friend, Sophia, exaggerates over the phone.

"Yeah, do you want me to take a picture and send you them? Or, do you just want me to come to your ro- actually no, I'll just send you them, or, you'll end up dragging me to the bar." I chuckle. Sophia laughs a bit, then falls silent.

"Haha, true." Sophie didn't reply. We stay in silence for a good two minutes.

"This dead air between us is a good sign," i say, I was hoping for laughter on the other end but still, there was none, not even a word.

"Soph?" I say, getting a little concerned for my chatterbox friend.

"Mia." Sophia whispered my name into the phone with sheer fear in her voice. This raises my concern and I get up from my laying position to sit on my knees, careful to not hit my head on the top bunk.

"What?" I reply, this conversation has begun to make me nervous.

"Okay don't freak out but, there's like a man standing outside of the building. I'm pretty sure he's staring into your window. He's being very obvious, like right in the middle of the parking lot, by my car." Sophia says,

"Stop joking around Sophia, you know what's been going on," I said with a serious tone, not joking anymore.

"No I'm serious Mia, go look outside." her breath was shaky, I could almost hear her teeth chattering.

I slowly remove myself from my bed and lean over my dressing, in an attempt to look out my window.

"Soph?" I whisper her name, as I slowly move the curtain to peek outside. There was nothing, as I suspected.

I groan, "I knew there was nothing, why would you joke about that?" I immediately close my curtains, returning to my bed. She hasn't laughed or said anything.

"Soph?" I spoke quietly, "Amelia?" I finally hear her voice, the panic dies out and I sigh.

"Thank god, you scared me." I laugh, choking back tears.

The line dies and the call ends suddenly, I take my phone from my ear. This is too weird for me to not go to her room, considering everything. Immediately getting off my bed, I dart out of my room and down the hallway, tears well up in my my eyes, I'm so scared.

"Amelia Waters! What do you think you're doing at this time!?" The RA shouts from down the hall.

Ignoring him, I finally get to Sophia's door, I hit her door with the sides of my fists, almost punching it.

"What the fuck Waters? It's-" I cut off Tim, the RA. "Open this door," my voice cracks, the tears that were forming for a while begun to spill. Tim ignores me and stares at me with confusion, then smirks.

"it's past curfew Waters, return to your-" Frustrated and angry I cut him off. "Open this fucking door!" I pull on the door knob, my body feels like it's going to explode. Tim still ignores my plea and tries to remove my hand from the doorknob.

"whatever it is, it can wait till morning," I pull my hand away from him, "I swear to fucking god if you don't open this door," I pulled back from her door and walked across the hall, running at full speed into her door in a pitiful attempt to knock it down. I can feel pain in my left and in defeat, slide down to the bottom of the door and begin crying.

"Please," I beg softly, placing my hand against Sophia's still locked door. At this point I don't know if i'm begging Sophia to open it, or Tim.

Her door opens and you can hear the sounds of sirens from outside. I immediately get up and almost lose my balance when I noticed her window was broken. Wasting no time, I'm already looking outside.

I couldn't hear myself scream, I could only feel my throat becoming raw and closing in on itself as I stared at the my best friend being placed in a white bag.

"What the hell is going on in here!" Timothy walks in, kicking the glass on the floor, as if it was a mess. I run out of the room and out of the building, I can hear naked feet slamming against the concrete, I can't feel the rain or how cold I am as I finally reach outside.

Everyone has left their buildings to check out what was happening, I can hear everyone's chatter but no actual words.

I'm suddenly in someone's arms, my tunnel vision not allowing me to move my gaze from the ambulance.

"Mia! Mia! Answer me!" I can hear Michael's voice like it's far away from me, like i'm somewhere else. Completely ignoring him and pushing myself from his embrace, i'm going to Sophia.

"Everyone get back into their dorms!" One of the police officers shouted as I approached the ambulance.

And that was the moment I realized. He won't stop until he gets what he wants.



Well?? I know it sucks ass but yeah...

This book will be started In July sometime.

Thanks for reading<3

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