chapter 4

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I looked up from the drawing I was scribbling at when I heard a knock at my bedroom door.
"Hey, I know you don't want to hear this, but we gotta get going soon. Finish up please," my mom said, leaning slightly against the door frame.
Oh yeah. "Moving day" as we all put it. I was getting checked into Riley Inn today, so in other words, I was checking out of life.
I looked up at her and shrugged.
They could make me go, but they couldn't make me like it, I thought, as I got up from my 'art corner' as Mikey and I called it, which was in reality just a small beanbag and some pencils on the ground in my bedroom, and finished packing my bags, preparing myself for what was about to throw itself at my face.
The second I was walked through the doors of the facility I knew this really was the end of everything. It was so loud in this building I wondered if I ever would ever sleep again.
And after a tearful and emotional goodbye between me and my family, the doctors and nurses practically dragged me down a long white hallway, not even attempting at making light of the situation. But I guess I liked thay, at least they were honest, there was no light in this situation.
I glanced to my left and saw the cafeteria, full to the brim with other people that I guess were like me.
It was so loud, oh my god, the noise was deafening, I didn't understand how the employees could tolerate working in an environment like this and didn't get checked in as patients themselves.
They led me to a small room in the cornero of the hall and told me that's where I would be staying. I sucked myself away from my day-dreaming and looked up to where a closed door met my eyes. It was plain chestnut colored, with a teal doorframe, a failed attempt at adding life and color to this dreary hall, with a silver lock on the outside, and a small square of paper with two names on it.
T w o names?
They didn't tell me I would be having a roommate, but I wasn't about to speak my mind. Like I said before, they could force me to come here, but they could never make me like it.
I lifted my eyes to the list of names once again and read it to myself:
Gerard Way
Frank Iero
Frank. Iero?
I pondered how the heck that was pronounced, tossing the possibke combinations over my tongue before the man to my left took a long chain of keys out of his pocket and stuck a rusty silver one into the lock and twisted it, poping open the door with a slight thunk.
Frank whatshisname was nowhere to he seen, I discovered, quickly surveying the room after they allowed me inside.
I was given some plain gray pants and a black tee shirt and was told to change, someone would be back to show me around later.
I don't know why I had to pack my bags at home if I wasn't even allowed to wear my own personal clothes, but that was the least of my concerns because as soon as I pulled my shirt over my head, I was met with two bright eyes staring into my own.

Sorry its poopy, im really sick and really tired and on so many meds i cant even tell you my name so forgive me please cx i just really wanted to try and attempt to stick with this "update every day" kinda thing even if its short and pretty awful cx

But yeah comment and tell me whatcha think if you wanna make me happy c:

Also, mega shoutout to BabyPerry for being amazing and always commenting and voting for my lousy updates ily & thanks for reading this trainwreck c:

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