chapter 12

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Heyo guys im trying something new here so bear with me please cx
This chapter is gonna be in frank's POV so that way i can maybe spice things up a bit and show you whats going on with him and that hes not the bad guy youknow? Anyway, sorry for being a slow updater i know thats annoying but ill shut up now and just get to it c: ily ♡

FRANKS POV: (a/n- kinda imagine this as a "diary" entry kinda thing bc i just wanna show what franks thinkin and stuff yeahhh )

Things have been.... different lately.

Somewhere around a month ago, i came into my dorm,if thats what i could call it, and there was a fucking person in there.

Of course, i kind of freaked out and had to be dragged away by security, but i mean, who wouldn't attack if you found someone where youre supposedly "living"?

But so that happened, anyway, and the second i layed my eyes on him, i noticed there was somwthing about him that i just couldnt ignore.

No, it wasnt love at first sight or any of that shit, it was, i thought, that he was like me, he could hear the voices too.

I now know im not crazy like the doctors say, i cant be if someone else has it too right?

But i guess they pulled the Scitsofrenia card on him too because after being thrown around by security that first night, i snuck into the file room and found his file.

Gerard Way, 18, from New Jersey, Scitsofrenic.

I didnt care about reading anything else because that told me all i needed or wanted for that matter, to know.

He was like me, except, he didnt know it yet.

You see, im not exactly doubting the doctor's diagnosis on us, im just saying that, well, im doubting the doctor's diagnosis.

Scitsofrenia is real, i know it since theres others in this building that have it, but theyre not like me and Gerard.

Ive tried to explain it to the others, but i can just see that its not the same through their eyes, and so i give up.

Ive been choosing defeat for so long now, but now with Gerard here, im determined to get him to understand me, and we can get the hell out of here since its not where we belong.

At first, i didnt talk to him for a few days. Okay, more like a few weeks, but that was because honestly? I was scared.

What if he doesnt think like i do? What if he thinks im crazy? Whatif im wrong...again? What if?

Eventually i saw him in a hallway one day, and for some reason, i had a sudden burst of anger that he didnt just, understand, and so, well, not my highest moment or best decision, but, i punched him square in the jaw.

I didnt look back after that, i just ran and hid because i knew guards would come after me, and they did.

I got sent to some specialized care area where they poked and prodded me to see what caused my outburst since i wasnt usually a violent person, but i guess they gave up or jusy didnt care because eventually i got sent back to my normal room with gerard and went back to square one.

Then, Gérard was in the hospital again i guess.

This time it wasnt my fault, but i still felt like it was because i should have protected him. I mean, we are technically roommates after all and it would be nice to have a friend after all these years in here being antisocial.

So i felt as if i should probably go apologize for being such an ass to him, and maybe attempt at explaining things to him again since it didnt work last time, but it didnt go that way at all and im kind of glad it didnt.

I walked into the room and sat on a very lumpy couch a few feet(/meters for people outta the us) away from his bed.

His eyes fluttered open and his mouth dropped when he saw it was me. we awkwardly made eye contact as he stood and walked over to the sink near the door to the room.

I wondered if he needed any help because he was pretty injured, so i walked up behind him.

What the fuck was that? I heard him ask.

Except he didnt exactly ask, i guess thats what i was trying to explain before. He didnt say it, he thought it, but i could still hear it nonetheless.

So i tried to test him and see if he had the same ability as i.

"Shit Gerard it wasn't anything! I'm trying to tell you, I'm done running. I want to talk to you. But you know what, I don't know how that's ever going to fucking happen if you can't fucking trust me." I snapped back in my thoughts.

He heard me. I know he heard me. I saw his eyebrows kink up in shock at my outburst and then pull back down in confusion.

" Shit, I said that out loud? I swear I didn't mean to I just, fuck.
Dammit. " Gerard thought.

We both crossed our arms and i sighed.

"Look Frank," Gérard said. "I don't know what I did, or why or when or anything, but what's your problem?"

I rolled his eyes and leaned against the sink, our eyes meeting in the mirror once again.

"Well, Honey." I growled.
"This mirror isn't big enough for the two of us. So if you're not going to at least just fucking hear me out then-" I was cut off by the faucet turning on and drenching my shirt that was hanging in the sink.

'Stupid fucking ass automatic fucking damn faucets' i muttered to myself, trying to wrench my clothes out of the water's grasp.

Gerard started laughing hysterically at that, and I had to admit, even i thought it was pretty funny.

"All we need now are some bubbles," He mentally joked and i responded by cupping my hands full of water and launching it at him.

He shot me a smirk and threw some back, and before i knew it, we were both completely drenched in questionably sanitary water.

And that's when i noticed, we never said a word outloud. Thats going to be fun to explain to him and he probably wont even believe me.

But now i knew. Gerard was like me. He had to be. And there was no way (gerard included) that anybody was going to stop me from making him understand that. Everything was going to work out.

Qldghskdkdhssjj hopefully that's not the worst thing ive ever written idk guys whatcha think? Sorry its not edited or anything really, im rushing bc i was supposed to do chores and go places at 12 but now its 1:03 and i havent done anything bc i really wanted to update. So yeah, comment/vote/whatever please and ilysm thank you for reading this jizz ♡♡♡♡

What do you think Gerard is going to think/do when frank tries to explain again? Comment pls and ill love you foreverrrrr
(Also how mad do you think my moms gonna be when she comes home and i didnt do anything? Oooooh the suspense builds xD )
Happy mother's day guys c:

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