Proposels and protectiveness (FTO)

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Lucas' pov
Blake and I stood side by side on top of the dock, the scent of salt water hung in the air. Ok, now is the perfect time I thought kneeling as I took out a "l.small box. "Hey Lucas, this is a beautiful view" Blake said looking at the sunset. "Blake? Can you turn around" She turned. "Blake will you make me the happiest man in the world by marrying me" I asked her smiling.

Her hands moved up to obscure the shocked expression on her face. "L..Lucas I...I yes! Yes! Lucas yes" she said hugging me.

Me and Blake got off the boat hand in hand. "I'm going to go see kit" Blake said letting go of my hand. "Okay, I'm going to go the guild hall" I said kissing her forehead.

I walked into the guild hall to find Mario and David at the table. "Hey guys" I said sitting down. "He- welcome back bro" David said. "Yeah welcome back Lucas" mario said.

I told them about me and Blake's visit to my village, they told me what happened while we were gone. Mario talked about him and mania (to which David teased him about), David talked about his time being second in command.

"O-oh by the way I have to tell you two something" I said nervously. "Hm what is it" Mario asked. "Well when me and Blake were leaving I kinda proposed to her" I said tapping the table.

"Well done bro, can't wait to find out what happens next if you know what I mean" David teased. It took a few seconds to fully take in what he said, when I eventually figured it out my face began to heat up. Sure, I might have once or twice thought about me and Blake having kids but being teased by David was extremely embarrassing even though only one other person was here.

"Ummm" I mumbled to which David let out a small chuckle. "Anyways want to grab a bit to eat in atlantide" David said. "Sure I'll bring Blake along as well" I said. "Good let's go" Mario said getting up.

Meanwhile Blake's pov
I knock on kit's door she opened it and gasped "Blake!" She said shocked. "Hey kit" I said spreading my arms out for a hug. "Good to see you Blake, welcome back. How was your vacation" she said returning the hug. "It was good, can I come inside I want to tell you something" I asked her. "Sure" she answered.

We walked into her house and sit down on a couch. "Soo what did you want to tell me" kit asked. "Well when me and Lucas were about to leave, he well" I said showing her my ring finger. "Wow Lucas proposed, congratulations." Kit said. "Thanks kit" I said. "Yeah Blake it been great but I have a date and I need to get going so see you later" kit said getting up. "See you" I said and walk out.

On my way back I ran into Lucas, David and Mario. "Ahh Blake just the person we were looking for" David said. "Really why" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Well we're going to get something to eat wanna come with us" Mario asked. "Sure" I replied.

Kit's pov
I walk into the market place the smell of freshly baked goods hung in the air, several kiosks littered the area selling various items. I look around and sigh no sight of allumos or marsh. I suddenly feel two arms embrace me.

"Hey kit" marsh said leaning her head on my shoulder. "Oh marsh" I said surprised. "Yeap and Allumos to" she said. "Hello dear" Allumos said. I turned around and raised my arms for a hug. We came into each other's embrace.

We browsed the kiosks for a while until we decide to go get some food at a near restaurant.

We got there put in our order's and sat down. I decided to have a look around I notice David, mario, Lucas and Blake. Oh dear well this could go down hill real fast.

After awhile there was no problem's which I'm glad for, oh wait I think Blake just saw us dam. "Hey can we get ice cream"  marsh asked as she finished her food. "Sure my dear" allumos said "how about you kit" he continued. "Oh y-yeah sure" I said nervously. "Is there something wrong, love" Allumos asked clearly concerned. "I-I'm alright Allumos" I said. "If you're sure" Allumos said clearly not convinced.

Blake's pov
Me, David, Lucas and Mario sat down and ordered. "So how was your trip" Mario asked tapping a fork. "It was wonderful everyone was so nice" I said leaning on Lucas. "Good" Mario said leaning back on his chair.

After a bit of talked we fell into a relatively comfortable silence. I then noticed Kit with Allumos and Marsh. "What are you staring at bla-" Mario said turning around his face turned to a shocked expression as he saw kit giving a goodbye kiss to Allumos and Marsh.

He then sat down and returned to his meal.

Mario *divinus*
I knocked on Kits door and she opened it. She looked nervous "hey kit" I said. "Hi big bro" she said. "Why didn't you tell me about your relationship with Allumos and marsh" I asked raising an eyebrow. "I was afraid you would get protective and hurt yourself" she said a bit upset. I managed to keep down a small chuckle "oh Kit I don't have a problem with it I'm just kinda sad cause you didn't tell me" I said placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Really?" She asked. "Yeap, oh and kit if you need a me to talk to a certain guildmaster don't hesitate in giving me a call" I said the last part jokingly. "No I don't think I will" she said smiling. "Good see ya later, lil sis" I said as I walked out. "Lil sis?" She said. "Oh gotta go see ya" I said increasing speed.

So SNO is coming out today. Also who else thinks that one of the hunters will fall in love with one of the supernaturals.

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