comfort of a brother (ooo)

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3rd pov
Magnus was taking care inpu they then remembered something
"Leave them alone!" Magnus said. "Aww what to save your brother and your pathetic crush how adorable" a voice said. "You won't ever see them again". Magnus curled Into a ball and began to cry "why did I have to grab that stupid book, why did I have to have to develop feelings for you xylo, why did that book have to ask out xylo" magnus said crying
Magnus's pov
I was finally in my own body. "Hey maybe we can redo aphrodite's ball" xylo asked. "Like a date" I asked. "Uhh yeah" he replied. Me and inpu quickly rush off.
*end flashback*
"Hey magnus... are you ok" inpu asked. "I-i'm fine" I replied. "Come on you can tell me" inpu said. "Well I may or may not have a crush on xylo" I said. "hey it'll be alright I'm sure he's still interested in you" he said embracing me in a hug or atleast what would be a hug if he had his other arm. "Thanks inpi" I mumbled.

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