Chapter 4

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You had only been there for two days now and already you wanted to go home. The heat was ten times that of the desert and it didn't help that one of Phil's sons, Tommy, would not stop annoying you.

You had only met two of the four sons: Tommy and Tubbo. It seemed the two where inseparable. As for Wilbur and Techno, both where out on business, tending to the people of the kingdom.

Your parents had taught you a lesson on each of the sons, and you had learned more than you needed to know, however they didn't really describe the two eldest sons who weren't around. You could only wait patiently for their return from their duties. From your understanding, they would return and then the next day is when the events would begin.

Right now though, you didn't have to worry about it. More so, you needed to worry about your parents leaving a few days early.

"Do you really have to go this early?" You began to whine to your mother, tugging on her dress skirt.

"Yes, now act like royalty! No whining! Stand up! You're an adult, Y/N!" She told you sternly before softening up and taking your face into her hands. "I know you don't want us to go, but don't fret, okay? It'll all be over before you know it, and maybe you'll even have found your true love here."

"If they're all like Tommy I highly doubt it." You grumbled under your breath.

"Y/N!" Your father shot you a condescending look.

"Sorry pa... its just... he ruffles my feathers in the wrong direction!" You tried to defend your harsh judgment on the blond teen.

"You'll be okay." Your father smiled at you and patted your head gently, ruffling your crown feathers.

You pouted slightly before nodding your head with a sigh. "I love you guys." You felt your father press his lips to your forehead before your mother did the same.

They both waved at you before taking off, 39 of the original 41 guards taking off with them. You waved at them before turning and jumping in surprised. Immeadiatly, you guard had a spear in front of your body before he stood in front of you to block you.

"Brayden, calm your tail feathers and stand down!" You huffed before turning to Tubbo. "Sorry about that, you just surprised us."

"No worries!" He smiled and bounced slighty on his hooves as he stood in front of you, a huge smile in place on his partially scarred face.

"So what brings you here... without... Tommy?" You looked around him finding no sight of the blond boy.

"No Tommy right now! Just me!" He laughs, his ears flicking slightly in delight. "Anyways! I'm here to offer you to come cool down in our swimming pools! Or if you'd rather not the swimming pools, we do have an air draft that Tommy can bring you too!"

"I... think I'll like the swimming pool better..." You mumbled softly, not liking the idea of spending too much time with Tommy.

"Alright follow me!" Tubbo turned and began skipping down the hall, leading the way as you and your guard followed at a more refined pace. It was while Tubbo had his back to you that you noticed the second set of horns on his head and the adorable little tail that sat straight up in excitement.

Soon you rounded a bend and the room opened up to a large room enclosed by the weird snow waterfalls. In the center was two different large swimming pools, one consisted of snow and the other consisted of water.

Inside the water pool, you could see Sally swimming around, her long, elegant tail moving around quickly. "Y/N!" She squealed excitedly, launching her entire body from the water only to land right back in it.

You waved at her and stepped closer towards the water pool. "Hi Sally! Having fun?"

She nodded as she lifted her head above the water, her black eyes watching you from the water. "Yes! Come join"

You counted the days in your head, deciding it would be okay to get into the water today. "Give me a second to change.. wait! I don't have a swim suit!" You pouted as you turned back around.

"I have an extra one..." A soft voice spoke behind you causing you to turn and come face to face with a blond haired girl. She wore a purple butterfly themed swimming suit and had a bag situated on her side.

"Oh I couldn't ask you of that! I'll just sit this out okay?" You gave her a gentle smile, feeling bad that she even felt the need to offer.

"No, really! I packed swimming suits for everyone! I learned as much as I could about you guys before coming here so that I could offer you all gifts! I made the suits by hand." She giggled and dug around in her bag before pulling out a perfectly wrapped gift. "One swimsuit for Y/N of Corvid Kingdom. One for Sally of Oceadom! And one for Ranboo of the End."

This last one she turned and handed to the boy who was behind her. This was the first time you had noticed him so you weren't expecting his height. "HOLY SHISTA!" You screeched staring at the boy who easily towered over the three of you.

"Sorry..." He whispered to you as if he already knew what you where screaming about.

"No! No! Don't be! That was very rude of me." You apologized before bowing to Ranboo. He was the eldest of two siblings, the next in line for the throne of the end. You where nothing more than a royal member of the family and offending and heir could cause you to loose that place. It was in that moment that you where the only one in that room that was not an heir. Other than the guards of course.

Suddenly, your back became stiff and you stood upright, immeadiatly being afraid of the three contesters. The only heir you could offend and get away with was your brother and even then you worried. It now felt like you where walking on egg shells and you needed to get out of there.

"Would you guys excuse me, I apologize but I just remembered I do have some work to do before I can relax." You waited for their approval before turning and walking out of the room.

Quickly, you made it back to your room and just choose to stay there, waiting until dinner. It was safe in your room, you weren't risking the possibility of loosing your family. It wasn't the status you where worried about, it was the family you'd loose by loosing your status.

You began to softly cry at the thought of Ranboo being offended and telling your parents. They would rid you of the family no second thoughts to appease the End family. You had seen it done with your youngest brother, Sven. He had offended Ranboo's older brother, Frey, and to appease Frey your parents stripped Sven of his title and sent him to live in an orphanage with the lowest of the low.

You hadn't seen him in seven years, and you'd have thought that two years ago, they would have brought him back into the family seeing as Frey had died to an unknown illness and was no longer the heir. But they didn't. So of course you'd be terrified.

So to solve the problem, you'd avoid them except for at dinner.



Sorry for the long wait, I've been just a bit busy...

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