Chapter 5

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As with all things, you knew avoiding the group of heirs would be nearly impossible. So when dinner rolled around and you where placed directly between the human heir and the enderian heir, the tension became thick.

"So..." you jumped slightly at Sally's voice. "Ok, what the hell has got you all racked up?"

"Nothing! Nothing! It was just very quite for a second" You knew you where bullshitting this, but what could be a better excuse?

"Bullshit, Philza's crows are loud as fuck at all times." Liz turned to look at you as her eyebrows furrowed.

"Why are you so nervou- oh..." Ranboo paused looking at Sally, noticing the crown that always sat atop her head. Then to Liz, a crown atop her head as well. Then he felt his top of the head, where a crown was on his head as well. Now he looked at you. "You're just a child of the rulers."

You nodded you head and pointed to your brother who was guarding you from afar. A crown perched atop his head. "He's the next in line."

"Are you worried about offending us??? Haha! Dont worry about it! We all agreed that we wouldn't worry about anyone offending us during this time. So you have no worries!" Liz smiled at you, gently patting you head.

"Please don't pat my head.." You gave her a thin smile.

"Sorry, I forgot, you're part bird." Liz gave you an apologetic smile.

"Its okay." You ducked your head and continued eating.

Sally cleared her throat before speaking, "The point is, we don't want you to worry about offending us. Even if you did, we won't do anything about it. We all will be family soon."

"Its hard not to." You told her honestly.

"Why?" Ranboo tilted his head at you, a confused look evident on your face.

A flash of anger coursed through your veins at the half enderian. "You should know, you're highness." You growled out before standing and stalking away to your room.

How could he forget? He was there for Jeb's sake! Ranboo literally watched your mother inform his older brother that Sven was no longer in the family. How could he not remember?



I apologize for how short this chapter is! But I promise, things are about to start happening next chapter! Anyways, the reason this chapter is so short is because of something I want you guys to know!


While you wait for more updates from me, please read books from this author: Lillianna1125


L is an amazing writer and just so well thought out in their books. They even have a discord that you can go talk to them! Isn't that amazing???

I asked them for permission to give them a shout out btw, so its not a surprise to them.

L has really cool books honestly! I've read alot of them, not all, but alot nonetheless. I absolutely adored the Phantasm series!

Phantasm Series:
- Ranboo
- Captain Puffy
- Eret
- Philza
- and the extra stories

(I Would read them in the order they're put to make sense, however they are written to make some sense without reading the others.)

L has started a new series based around Greek Mythology! The first book is with Sam! I've been reading it as they update the book and am super excited for the next one as well as the outcome of this book!

L also has a great updating schedule! (Way better than mine lmao) They update every morning - rarely do they skip a day - its usually around the same time too!

Even better- L has never really used any form of hints at the  readers pronouns. Like there's no, this reader is female, and this one male, and this one nonbinary. It's amazing how they do that!

So while you're waiting for the next time I gain the motivation to update! Read their books! It's worth it

Anyways! See ya lovelies!

Persephone - Technoblade X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now