5 - The Rest of the Night

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"Nothing much, man..." he replies nervously, heading over to his own locker. Out of it he pulls his ring gear. Tonight he has a match against Baron Corbin, which should be a good one.

You get right to the point, "How mad is Amanda?"

"Beyond pissed," he sighs, pulling his shirt over his head. That makes you smile. She must be infuriated that the guy she wants to destroy is getting more TV time than her.


"Hey, mind if I ask something?" he says, turning to face you. You nod, and he continues, "Why won't you speak out against Amanda?"

"I dunno. I feel like if I do that it's gonna be me versus her until someone gets ruined. I don't want that for either of us."

"You know, when we started talking she was still crying over you. Regardless of anything that happened, I think she still has feelings for you."

"Aren't you two together?" you ask, a little confused. If he's actually been sleeping with her, wouldn't you two getting back together be bad for him?

"Me and Amanda? Ha, no. Maybe once all of this shit is over, but for now I'll stick to friends with benefits."

"She's an amazing woman when she's not being a raging cunt," you reply with finality. Jeff finishes getting his gear on, and you hop in the shower to freshen up.


You head directly back to the hotel after the show ends. Upon arrival, you head back to your own room first. As soon as the door is closed, you toss your bag aside and flop facedown on the bed. You let out a loud sigh into the blanket before standing up.

The thought of meeting CJ is terrifying. Of all the women you've ever met, she is the most confusing. It still eludes you what exactly it is that she wants, and she's even given you hints.

Well, it's 10:52. If you're going to go meet her, you ought to leave now. You leave your room and get into the elevator. Your room is on the 6th floor, and CJ's is on the 3rd. Though the ride down only takes 30 seconds, it feels like 30 minutes.

Well, there it is: Room 305. Without thinking about it, you knock and wait. CJ opens the door almost immediately, and she ushers you in quickly. Not helping, lady.

"So why am I here?" you ask after a few moments of silence.

"Well, what did you come for?"

"You told me to."

"Y/N, you and I both know that's a lie. You're just as curious about me as I am about you."

"That's what this is about? You want to get to know me better?"

"No, something about you is different, Y/N. There's not another man in the world who would ignore the huge controversy about him, show up in such a high-caliber way, and laugh in the face of what he's allegedly done. Much more than that, you won back your fans without saying a word in your own defense."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Oh, and he's humble about it, too!"

"Well, I'll start bragging when I do something worthy of bragging about."

"I can't wait for the day. For now though, may I interest you in a drink?"CJ walks over to her mini fridge and protrudes two six-packs of beer. That's a lot of alcohol.

"Figured you were a wine girl," you think aloud. CJ seems like a classy woman; beer is fun, but there's no way it's her alcohol of choice.

"I am, but let's just say I used the last of what I had for a more personal situation."

"Is this not that kind of situation?" You say if before even thinking. Then it hits you: 'personal' is a family-friendly substitute for... ohhhhh.

"No... at least, not yet," she replies, her mind clearly racing. In all fairness, you did just kind of ask if she wanted to make love with you. Rather stupid on your end.

You begin to apologize, but CJ simply puts a finger to your lips and smiles.

"Tonight isn't for apologies, Y/N. Now c'mon, I'm not gonna drink all of this by myself!" she says cheerfully, handing you what could be the first of many drinks.

"Should we toast?" you ask. It just seems like the kind of thing where someone would toast.

"To Y/N, for an epic return!" she exclaims jokingly, raising her beer.

You raise your own to meet it and add, "And to you, for making him feel welcome."

She looks away and blushes as you take an unhealthily large drink of your beer. She sips from her own and her eyes return to yours.

Hours pass and the night begins to fade away. Now that the two of you drank all the beers, it's nearing time for you to head back to your own room.

"I should go now," you say, tossing the last of the cans into the trash. CJ looks at you with that same subtle yet devious look that she often uses for TV. You wonder what she could be thinking.

"Well," she says, walking up to you and wrapping her arms loosely around your neck, "If you happen to get a chance, come see me again."

With that she firmly presses her lips against yours. After taking a second to process this, you give back, placing your hands on her hips and holding her as the two of you continue to share that kiss. It seems to go on for hours...

Finally, she breaks away. You clear your throat awkwardly and bid her goodbye before slipping out the door.

That kiss was incredible and all, but it was oddly romantic. CJ definitely doesn't seem like the romantic type, right? Weird. Besides, you don't want a relationship right now.

Amanda may have turned out to be a psychotic, backstabbing c-nugget, but you still loved her. Though you aren't yet sure if your feelings for her have gone away, what she did will take time to forgive (if that's even possible).

Now it's time for bed.

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