25 - A Moment of Peace

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After last night, you're hoping to ease your hangover and sore body with a relaxed morning. Unfortunately, literally every single one of your friends has decided differently.

You wake up to a knock on your door. Hilarious, considering you specifically left the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the handle. You try and stay in bed, hoping that whoever it is will go away, but the knocking persists. It even gets to the point where Lexi stirs and shoves you out of the bed to go answer it.

So you answer the door shirtless, hoping it isn't someone important. Even if it is, your upper body isn't anything to be ashamed of.

Turns out it's Pam that was knocking, and she greets you with a small hug. You're glad that even though she dropped the Hugger persona, she still likes to give hugs.

"Pam, it's too early in the day for this," you groan as she wraps up her hug. You rub the sleep from your eyes, and you notice the odd look she gives you.

"Y/N, it's noon."

"Yeah, still too early. What can I do for ya?" you ask. Hopefully she's got a good reason, rather than just checking in for shits and giggles.

"I wanted to talk to you about everything that's been happening lately," she says, her voice dropping a little, "It seems like everybody but me knows what's going on."

"Oh..." Well, now you feel like a piece of shit. You've been so self-absorbed in the whole process of trying to figure out your near future... so much that you forgot about someone like Pam, who's a good friend and deserves better than being left in the dark.

"Is now not a good time?"

"No, now is good. I just need to get dressed and wake up a little bit before I go about spilling the tea." You invite Pam to wait inside as you get dressed, which at this point is just putting a shirt and shoes on; you went to bed pretty much immediately after your romp with Lexi, so the shorts/underwear are fresh as well.

Speaking of Lexi though, she also went immediately to bed. That's why Pam is a little shocked when your disoriented girlfriend rolls out of bed completely in the nude.

"Did you guys...?"

"Yes Pam, we had sex last night," you laugh. At the same time, Lexi is now figuring out that she's naked. Her face turns bright red and she isn't very subtle about bolting to the bathroom. "I don't really remember most of it, though. About the only thing locked in my head is the image of my nut all over her face."

"TMI, dude," Pam giggles. You finish getting ready to go, and a few seconds later Lexi comes out of the bathroom with her clothes on and her hair brushed.

"Hey Lexi, Pam and I are gonna go get lunch. You want in?"

"Nah, you kids have fun. Besides, I promised to hang out with a few of the girls today," she replies absentmindedly. That hangover probably isn't doing her any favors, eh?

"Ah, gotcha. See you later, then." You plant a kiss on Lexi's cheek before allowing Pam to lead you out the door.

The two of you don't really have much to say on your way to get food, and even once you have it there's a deafening silence. To be honest, you don't know what to say.

"Pam, what exactly is it that you want to know?" To be honest, there have been a lot of things that led to this point in time.

"I don't really know. Everything?" she says. It occurs to you just how little she knows, and you realize that you've been kind of a bad friend.

"Are you sure?" Though your hesitation causes her to also hesitate, she nods.

Well, here goes nothing. You tell her everything; Amanda's shenanigans, the last time you talked to her, all about CJ, how you got screwed over in your match with Joe, your plan with Thea that got scrapped, and now how you might be fired.

Pam takes in all of this information in silence, and once you're done she bites her lip like she's thinking of something to say. In the end, she comes up with nothing.

"To be honest, I think I'm nearing the end with WWE," you admit... not just to her, but to yourself. You've been dodging the idea for far too long. "I don't know what to do."

"Well, what's your backup plan?" Pam asks, and you come to a realization. God, you're kinda dumb sometimes.

"Uh... I didn't really think that far ahead." You've been so focused on not getting fired that you completely forgot to have a plan. Maybe you'll give Jon a call later.

"You mean to tell me you think you're gonna be fired, but don't have a plan?" she asks, sounding ticked off about how dumb you are.

"Hey, I'm more of a 'in the now' kind of guy."

"God, you're so dumb... how does Lexi put up with you?" She pinches the bridge of her nose, and you can't help but smile. It feels good to do something simple again, even if it's just arguing with Pamela.

"I dunno, maybe 'cause I'm awesome?" you laugh. After a fake laugh she slugs you in the gut.

"I don't think so. She must have gotten brain damage from that concussion."

The two of you bicker for awhile longer before finally leaving and heading back to the hotel. Like you said before, it's nice to have something so simple again. After all of the complicated shit you've had to deal with, a moment of peace is nice.

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