6 - Like You Never Left

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You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing. This better be important, because it's 6 in the morning.

"Hello," you say groggily after answering the phone.

"Hey Y/N!" replies the cheerful voice of Alexis. The sound of a friendly voice wakes you up a little more.

"What's up, Alexis?" This call could potentially be awhile, so there's no point staying in bed anymore. You're awake, so it's time to start your day.

"Did I wake you up?"


"Good, that means you haven't eaten. Meet me downstairs and we'll eat breakfast together!" The way she says it indicates that she will not be taking no for an answer, so you agree and say goodbye.

After finishing getting dressed, you prepare to head down when you receive a text on your phone. It isn't from Alexis though, it's from CJ.

CJ: Do u have plans tonight?

You: Nope. Wanna grab dinner?

CJ: You read my mind.

You: cya at 7?

CJ: Sure. Cya later...

Well you sure have a busy day, huh? Nevermind that now, it's time to go meet Alexis.


"There you are. What took you so long?" she asks suspiciously, but one look at her expression tells you that she isn't serious.

"That whole thing where you woke me up, probably," you reply. She leads you into the hotel's dining area, where breakfast is happening. It's the standard buffet full of basic morning food, but it'll do. This is more about hanging out with your friend (though you must admit, you are quite hungry).

The two of you load your plates with food so unhealthy that it might take more than just today's workout to flush it out of your system... perfect.

"So what's it like?" she inquires, though you have no idea what about. There's a million different things she could be referring to. You figure you should guess instead of asking what she means.

"What, the food? It's not gourmet or anything, but it fills the void," you reply in a very confused manner. She giggles and rolls her eyes. Welp, you guessed wrong.

"No, I mean coming back with all this heat on you. I could never do it," Alexis says thoughtfully, gazing into your eyes. Man, those are eyes you could get lost in.

"It's never really been a concern of mine what people think about me," you admit with a shrug, "I guess that's why it's so easy to ignore Amanda."

"She's trying to ruin your life, though!"

"She failed, right? Some things are best left forgotten."

She seemed to get the message and returned silently to her breakfast. Uh oh, hopefully you didn't kill the mood or anything.

"So I heard you're getting a big push?" you say with a grin, causing her to smile as well.

"Yeah, they want me to go up against Nikki for the women's championship."

"Do you know how it ends?"

"No, they want to let it run its course. Whoever has the most heat by the end will likely win."

"Well I hope it's you who wins," you say patting her arm lightly as the two of you get up to dispose of your plates.

In return, Alexis hugs you and replies, "Awww, thanks Y/N!"

"It ain't no thing. Have a great day, Alexis." The two of you go your separate ways, and you decide to go straight to the gym.


Ten minutes. You get ten minutes of peace before your workout gets interrupted. It's not Amanda that does it this time, though; it's her tag team partner, Ashley Sebera (Dana Brooke).

"What?" you ask patiently, but still very annoyed. To be honest, you aren't really in the mood to hear Amanda's friends talk shit on her behalf.

"Dude, you have to shut Mandy up! All she does is talk about you!" she says angrily, pacing back and forth "I'd rather listen to her fucking Jeff all night than hear another word about your return!"

"Does... do..."

"Yeah, they go at it whether I'm there or not."

"ANYWAYS... I'm not doing it, Ashley. You and I both know it'll just make things worse."

"Fine, but at least do something," she begs as she stops pacing. What are you supposed to do, tell your ex to leave her friend alone?

"Tell her to shut up or sleep in a different room." Even as you say this you know it won't work. Letting things go isn't Amanda's style. Her roommate leaving would be worse.

"Yeah, then next thing you know it was actually me you were having the affair with. No thanks, Y/N."

"Ashley, I know it fucking sucks. Take it from the guy who all of this is directed at. But also believe me when I say that there's nothing I can do to fix it. Amanda will ride this thing until it dies, because without it she's not relevant."

Ashley rolls her eyes and turns to walk away, but before she goes she says this,"Sooner or later, you will have to deal with this."

Maybe so, but that day is not today. Instead, you have a dinner to attend.

You go restart your workout and manage to get all the way through it without getting interrupted again. That's a win. All that's left to do now is shower, grab lunch, and prepare for your date. What a solid plan, right?

Hah, you don't even make it to the gym's locker room.

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