14 - Happy Again

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You enter through the gorilla and several people come to congratulate you, including Colby and Rebecca. Colby still seems a little miffed that he never got to finish the rivalry, but he seems happy for you regardless. Going head-to-head with Joe for the title has always been the plan, but because of the injury it has to happen much earlier than intended. Luckily, you managed to salvage your push a few moments ago.

Once everyone returns to what they were doing, Lexi comes up and gives you a big hug. You pick her up and kiss her on the cheek, earning a cute giggle in the process.

"That was awesome!" she says excitedly as the two of you begin to walk away. Just before exiting the gorilla, you turn to Joe and the others and give them a thumbs up. Joe nods understandingly and guides his guys off in another direction.

"So what should we do tonight?" you ask, entering the men's locker room with Lexi close behind you. She sits down on the bench as you gather fresh clothes to change into.

"You're asking the wrong girl."

"There has to be something you wanna do, Lexi," you reply, taking off your shirt. You can sense staring at you, which you think is kind of hot.

After a bit of thinking, she decides, "Nope. I just wanna hang out with you."

"Can't argue with that." You turn to face her and flex in a joking manner, showing off your chiseled form. They way she subtly bites her lip tells you she took it a different way, though.

"Hmm... keep that up and see what happens," she says vaguely, standing up to face you.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do to me, short stuff?" You grin, looking down at your petite girlfriend. The smirk on her face is equally as devious.

"This~" Alexis wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you down to her. The kiss that you share is magical and lasts for probably a full minute. You lift her into your arms and smile. She asks dreamily, "Was that our first kiss?"

"I think so." You can't recall kissing her before this, so it must be your first time. How romantic.

She whispers something into your ear seductively, "If you kiss me like that again... hell, we might have another 'first' tonight."

Well isn't that an intriguing thought? Before you get a chance to respond to her proposition, someone enters the locker room and barely pays the two of you any mind. Lexi jumps out of your arms, her face turning a bright shade of red. Joe walks past you two and laughs a little bit.

"I tried to give you two as much time as possible, but I gotta get out of here."

"Tired?" Lexi asks sweetly, trying to direct the attention away from her. It seems to work, and Joe pays no more mind to the fact that you two were about to make out. He gathers some clothes and a towel and starts to head toward the showers.

"Yeah, man. They ain't hardly letting me rest," he mutters. The fatigue in both Joe's posture and voice are very evident, so you keep things short and simple with him.

"Alright. Get a shower and some sleep, big guy," you reply cheerfully, offering your fist out to him. He bumps it and disappears around the corner. You call out to him as the water turns on, "Just have the twins carry your bags!"

"I understood that reference!" he yells back, his voice slightly muffled by the sound of the shower. Both you and Lexi giggle, then return to your business.

"We probably should call it a night," Lexi sighs, giving you a small hug before turning to go. You still need to get dressed. Before leaving, she says, "I'll see you tomorrow, babe. Remember our date."

"Bye, Lexi." She exits the locker room, leaving you all alone with no company except Joe, who is currently rapping along to a Drake song. No thanks.


You're driving home when your phone begins to ring. Who could possibly be calling you at this hour? When you check to see who it is, your eyes widen: CJ Perry? What does she want to talk to you for?

"Hey CJ, what's up?" you ask casually, trying not to sound surprised. After she called off your semi-relationship, you figured she would never talk to you again. She just comes off as a 'hit it and quit it' type of person.

"Can you come to my hotel room? I need help with something."

"Uh... I guess?" You thought it was going to be a booty call, which is something you can't go through with (you know, 'cause you're taken). Apparently it's not; CJ seems to genuinely require your assistance.

"Great! I'm staying at the Hotel Inn by the arena; see you soon." She hangs up, and you redirect your car back towards the arena. What could she possibly need help with? You rack your brain and try to come up with something, but nothing clicks. You'll just have to wait and find out.

She texts you her room number: 126. Once you've arrived, she pulls you in before you even have the chance to knock. Her lips smash against yours hungrily, and within a few moments you're on your back on her bed. She straddles your waist and kisses the base of your neck, but you push her away once you've regained your senses.

"What the fuck?" you ask, obviously startled. So she did call you over to fuck her, but why? Wasn't she the one that called it off? If you can remember correctly, she was pretty cold about it.

"I was wrong to leave it at a one night stand," she says seductively, but there's also a little desperation hidden in her voice. "I need you... please..."

"CJ, I've got a girlfriend. I'm not cheating on her. I'm not doing to her what Amanda did to me."

"Please, Y/N... just for tonight. Give me one incredible night and she'll never have to know," she begs, flaunting her assets. The baby doll eyes she's giving you almost makes you cave, but you just shake your head and cross your arms. You're a stronger man than that, Y/N.

"You had your chance with me, and you didn't take it. Don't come crawling back now that I'm not available," you reply definitively, stepping towards the door. CJ springs up and grabs your arm, then kisses you again. Please, as if that's going to work.

"C'mon Y/N, I know you want my body," she says, pulling her shirt over her head. There's no bra underneath, but it hardly matters. Nothing she can do can even begin to change your mind.

"I wanted your body when we went out for dinner. I wanted it the morning after. Not anymore, though; I'm done with women playing with my emotions."

CJ retorts, "You don't know half as much about Alexis as you think you do."

"Isn't that the entire fucking point? Am I supposed to know everything about someone before I call them mine?"

"What if she isn't the one for you?" So she's literally doing the one thing you just said that you hate. She's trying to play with your emotions so that your confidence will leave you. Then she can take what she wants.

"You know what? Only we say if we're compatible. Only we say if we're meant to be," you reply defiantly, opening up her door and beginning to step through. You take one last look back into that pit of desperation... in the middle stands a hurt and angry woman, but she knows it's her own fault.

"That kinda sounds like an inspirational quote," she finally mumbles, as if trying to write everything off. Not today, though.

"Well, I'm an inspirational son of a bitch. See ya at work, Catherine," you say, exiting her room. You elect to not slam the door behind you, but damn are you heated. 

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