He Knows My Name

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I had spent another week in the infirmary healing and gaining back my strength. The pack doctor, Dr. Alaric, saw to it that I was well taken care of and looked after. He was a kind man, very well suited for his duties. Alaric was 34 years of age, but his dirty blonde hair was beginning to show the early signs of aging. If I looked closely enough I could see the few strands of grey amongst his locks.

He was busy. From what I could tell the packs training was pretty intense. I needed to find out more. Many wolves came through these doors with battle injuries, and he treated them all.

Deciding it was time to begin my day, I stepped into the warm water of the shower and immediately my body felt more relaxed. My body hadn't been this tense in a long time. I ran my fingers through my long dark hair as I began to wash the dirtiness away.

When I was finished I stepped in front of the mirror. The girl before me was almost unrecognizable. My cheeks had shrunk a little back into my face. The body I had worked so hard for was just skin and bones, starvation had cost me most of my mussel mass. Starvation and mutilation are an unhealthy combo. It would take weeks of vigorous training to gain it all back again. As I continued to stare at my reflection one thing became very apparent; I hate that man. I vowed to myself silently that I would be his ruin.

The door to my room opened softly after a light knock sounded out. Dr Alaric waited for my okay before stepping into my space.

"Good morning!" He said cheerfully.

He was always in a good mood I swear. I smiled at him gently with no teeth to show my respect.

" I know it's been a tough few days, but I think you've healed enough to be discharged." My heart almost sank at his words. I knew what they meant. Back to the dungeons for me, I thought to myself sarcastically.

As if he didn't notice how lost in my thoughts I was he continued. " Our second in command will be here any minute to escort you to where you will be staying."

"And where will that be?" I voiced out, head held high as I waited for his answer.

He visibly stiffened.

"I'm honestly not sure, but he's here now."

As if on cue in walked another big, muscled man. He reminded me of my mate with his dark hair and enchanting grey eyes, but he was just a bit smaller.

"Come" he grumbled out in a low toned voice as he turned his back to me.

I had no personal belongings apart from the clothes I was wearing, Alaric had some spare sweats and a T-shirt lying around, so he gave them to me to wear. I had no complaints, it beats a hospital gown. I gave the kind doctor one last toothless smile before following the beta out of my room and eventually out of the clinic.

He didn't speak much, but I didn't care. I preferred silence over hostile questioning anyways. We walked a long distance before approaching a decent sized cabin tucked away in the woods. I could tell it was old, but it was well maintained. The logs on the outside has been sanded down until they were smooth and the roof was a deep green color; I could tell the paint was well maintained. Confusion shot through me, surely this wasn't a dungeon. It looked to homey to be a place full of terror, but nevertheless I kept my guard up.

The tall man I was following said nothing as he opened the door like he owned the place. Realization dawned on me. This was someone's home. Inside it was just as cozy as the house I remember growing up in. The floors were wooden and slightly cold under my bare feet. The living room was right beside the front door. Leather chairs and a sofa surrounded a fire place with a large flat screen tv hovering over it. Elaborate, dark colored paintings covered the walls. It was two stories, with stairs leading to the upper portion of the home. Everything was tidy. It seemed as though not a thing was out of place.

I followed the second in command up the flight of stairs to see a hall with 4 doors. We stopped at the first before he finally turned around to gave me. There was a look in his eyes I almost couldn't place; confusion.

He twisted the handle and allowed me step into the room first. It was a quaint bedroom, simple but effective just like the rest of the home. A queen sized bed laid in the middle of the room resting on what looked to be an oak frame. A nightstand beside it. There was a dresser by the window and doors for a closet.

"This is your room now. You must stay here unless someone personally comes to get you." The mans monotoned voice sounded out to me. As I turned to face him, he gave me one last lingering look before taking his leave and closing the door behind him.

When I could no longer sense his presence I began to feel my body relax. I took a look at my surroundings, taking time to really take in all the details around me. I had no idea where I was or whose home this was, but I was happy it wasn't a cell.

After a quick nap, sleep dosent come easy nor stay long, I decided that since I was still alone it was time to do some exploring. I quickly opened my bedroom door and ventured out into the hallway. I figured only bedrooms would be up here, so I headed downstairs to investigate.

I had barely made it down the stairs when the front door to the house opened abruptly.

" I thought you were told to stay in your room," my mates annoyingly sexy voice rang out into the silence. This is his home. I should have been able to place the familiarity of the smell. Instantly my guard is up, muscles taunt and ready for whatever is to come.

Spinning around on my heels I made sure to give him my best glare as I turn to face him head on.

"Worried I'll run into your whore, Alpha?" I smirk. I say this menacingly, but my heart squeezes just a little thinking about his infidelity whilst I was chained to a pole. 

He's stalking towards me before I can even finish my sentence. With each step he takes, it's as if the world takes notice of his sound. Slowly, so very slowly, he pushes forward until my back is pressed up against the cold wall. He brings his hand up, trailing his fingers daintily up my stomach and in between the valley of my unrestrained chest before settling his large grip on my throat. The thin material of the second hand T-shirt I'm wearing does little to protect me from the sparks that erupt under his touch. I take note of the knee now pressed up against my core between my legs, but looking down for confirmation is impossible as he keeps my eyes trained upwards to meet his dark gaze. My body's on fire for him, and all it took was a simple touch. His wolf calls to me as we make eye contact, but I do everything I can to refuse it's greeting. This man may be the mate the goddess has bestowed upon me, but it dosent change the fact that I hate him. It dosent wash away the blood he has spilled at my feet, the blood of my loved ones, and now my blood as well.

Any ounce of lust leaves my body just as fast if could have came.

His beast growls out its contempt over my obvious rejection of him, but the male in front of me is unfazed. If anything, he looks amused.

His eyes are dead, but there's a glint of something I can't decipher as he speaks.
"Would you rather be my whore, Tori?"

My heart stops beating and my breath hitches in my throat.

He knows my name.


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