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Dream state
I'm home again, and everything is just as I remember it to be. The living room walls were sunshine yellow. Pictures of my family were scattered around the room, covering the walls with big smiles and happy memories. Mom always liked to keep a clean house; everything was spotless. Classical music was drifting in through the walls. I could hear her whistling in the kitchen, and I could smell my favorite meal on the stove. I hear the front door unlock & I quickly pick my head up to identify the intruder.

How dare someone interrupt the peace I've finally found.

It's my father, but he looks different than the last time I saw him. He's smiling and full of life.

"Hello my little angle! What have you been up to? Where's mommy?" He asks coming towards me, arms wide open as he picks me up and twirls me around before he gently sets me back on the ground.

"I'm in here my love!" I hear my mother call from the kitchen.

I look up just as she walks into the entry way. She's even more beautiful than I remember. Her hair is long, dark, and shinny just like mine. Her eyes are still the prettiest shade of ocean blue, and her smile is wide, white teeth shining brightly at me.

"Look at our girl!" She beams.

I want to cry at the sight of her. I've missed her so much, and here she is. Arms open wide and walking straight towards me. Soon I'm in her arms, and everything that has ever hurt me evaporates into thin air.

"Look at our girl." She states again, but this time her voice is cold.

Startled by this, I look up at her, but this time she is faceless.

"Look at our girl." She screams.

I look to my father, but the happiness in his eyes is gone. Instead he looks just as I remembered him. Jaw clenched, squinted eyes, and a raised fist. I know better than to scream, so I stay silent and do my best to make myself look small, cowering in my mothers arms, I close my eyes.

" Look at me you weak little girl." He shouts.

"Look at what you did to us!" He's coming towards me now. I can just feel it. I brace myself for what is to come; tough love. After what feels like an eternity, nothing happens, so I force my eyes open once again, but this time the scene is different.

I'm sitting across from Noah at our favorite cafe. He's holding my hand as he reads through the menu.

"What should we try today? We've never had their breakfast omelets." He says looking up at me with a smile on his young face.

He dosent smile much these days, but he always has one for me. My heart beats faster when I look at him. I'm so in love; I couldn't imagine ever losing this feeling. I get so lost in my thoughts that I barely process the bell above the door ringing to alert the staff of an incoming customer. I don't even bother to turn around my eyes stay on Noah whose gone back to scanning through the menu.

The hostess greets the new group of girls, and the second they walk by I can smell the wolves in them. They are shifters too. Noah seems to have caught onto this as well, and he picks his head up to get a look at the newcomers.

I'm left defenseless as I watch him inhale. His pupils dilate, and I can hear his heart rate pick up from across the booth we were sat in. It takes no more than a second for him to utter the word we had both been in fear of since we were teenagers.

"Mate." He breathlessly whispers.

Immediately my head turns, and I see a little blonde girl staring right at him. Her eyes are dilated, and her mouth is partially open as the realization hits her. It takes all but two seconds for Noah to get up from our table abruptly and race towards her. I barely have time to register the sound of our silverware hitting the floor before he's right next to her. I watch, silently feeling my heart explode, as they embrace. He dosent even turn around to look at me, he's so transfixed by her. I know that in this moment, my life as I know it has come to an end. I want to cry, but instead I stand up, put a smile on my face, and walk towards the fated pair.

"What a beauty she is, you've truly been blessed Noah. It's wonderful to meet you. I'm Tori."

The sound of my voice breaks Noah from his trance, and he finally remembers to spare a glance at me. I see the panic flash through his eyes, and I reach my hand out to touch his arm and let him know it's okay. Out of the corner of my eye I see the glare his mate sends me before quickly replacing it with an innocent smile.

"My name is Ellie." She smiles at Noah.

"Ellie" he repeats, a small smile forming on his face.

I take this as my cue to leave. They have much to discuss, and my heart can't handle watching the scene unfold. I turn towards the exit, my meal long forgotten. I can hear the bell ring out behind me, and I am fully aware that Noah never looked back.
Present Day


All I could hear was beeping. A slow yet rhythmic hum that reminded me of a ticking clock.


I couldn't remember where I was, and I was not sure how I got here. As the seconds moved on my body began to feel as though it was on fire. With this feeling my eyes instinctively sought to open, unsuccessfully. My brain awake, consciousness in its entirety, but still my eyes remained shut.

It wasn't long before I heard a door open and the footsteps that followed soon after.

"You made it." A strong masculine voice rings out, sending chills down my spine.

The good kind of chills.
My mate.
Damn this bond, I think to myself silently since my mouth won't follow my brains orders.

" I think you've had enough beauty sleep. Time to open your eyes." He sounds out again.

I can hear the annoyance laced under his neutral tone. It's enough to make my blood boil. My anger creeps up on me silently, but it lights my entire body on fire, giving me just enough energy to give him what he so clearly wants; my eyes.

I can feel all my neural synapses firing so intensely I'm surprised my eyes don't pop out of my head with how quickly they open.

He's looking right at me. Obviously keenly aware of my awakened state, even as I was doing my best to hide it.

" Speak." It's as if he can see my anger from inside out. I must have steam coming from my ears.

My mouth attempts to open, but I still cannot get the sounds I desperately crave to release out.

He smirks at this.

My suffering is his pleasure.

" Speak little mouse." He commands again with a glint of mischief in his eyes. He's enjoying this. The bloody sadist.

Again my mouth opens, anger getting the best of me, teeth that don't want to be called out trying to protrude through my gums.

He huffs as if losing interest in the situation, and it's as he turns his back to leave that I finally find my voice.

"Fuck you." I spit with as much menace in my tone as I can muster.

He pauses in his tracks for a few seconds that begin to feel like an eternity. I think he's trying to scare me, but now what do I really have to lose? Most of what I thought I had, he's already taken. I have no more fears, no more soft emotions to cloud my judgment. Only hatred and rage. My father would be proud.

He finally turns to face me. His smirk wiped clean off his beautiful, stupid face, but the mischief in his grey, lifeless eyes remains.

If only he knew; our game was just beginning.
And I don't play fair.

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