Unlucky Fate

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TW: violence, bloodshed, torture
Read safe my loves

Everything burned, my arms my chest, my legs, my stomach, my hands, my head. 
I could feel the shackles soaked in wolfs Bain digging into my wrists, it was painful but I've felt worse.  I could see my reflection but I could feel a bruise forming on my upper arm from the previous mans grip. I could feel like small bump on the side of my head where it had been hit. I could feel the rib that was out of place due to how many times I'd been kicked.

When I see the person who comes in here to torture me I'm going to give them a piece of my mind for injuring me while I was unconscious what kind of pussy does that.

I was in a cold room most likely in a basement I'm going to guess an underground holding cell. It smelt like blood.
Then again what did I expect I was in a pack dungeon that was known for killing many people, I would most likely be one of them..

There was a loud noise in the room across from mine it was a man screaming "someone help me please".  I could only imagine the horrors being done to him, the horrors that I awaited.

It wasn't long before I heard my cell door being opened.  A tall man with dark brown hair entered with a bag full of any torture device you could think of.

"I'm going to keep the talking to a minimal, I don't believe much in words but more in action. Therefor if I don't like what you are saying I will use action to make you wish you were never born am I clear?" He spoke in a deep gruff voice.

"Crystal" I forced out.

He slapped me so hard my entire body shifted only being held back by the chains that dug into my wrists even more I let out a small grunt not letting him see a fraction of pain. 

" I didn't like what you said.  Watch the attitude bitch I will end you slowly and painfully. Speaking of your death if you give me the information my alpha desires I will make it fast almost painless. If you don't corporate I will end you slowly not leaving a part of this pretty little body of yours untouched. I'll watch as you bleed out. Now let's get started" he said reaching for a small blade that looked like it contained a heavy amount of silver.

"Why did you cross on to our territory?"

I looked to the floor unable to come up with a believable answer.

Next thing I knew the blade was jabbed into my stomach a very small distance away from my heart.  I tried to intake a breath but found the pain to be near unbearable yet I didn't make a sound.  
Leaving the knife where it had entered me he continued on.

"We aren't getting anywhere are we. " he said pulling the knife that had been stabbed into my leg out. I had multiple stab wounds many cuts and more then 20 bruises making there way onto my body.  If I didn't die from his torture blood loss would kill me by the end of tomorrow.  My wounds couldn't heal properly due to the wolfs Bain and I could feel myself weaken.

"You're strong one of the strongest I have ever seen that means you've had training but from where? It seams as though I have to step my game up. I've decided to use a little shock therapy to really get you in an energetic mood." He smiled sickly.

Within the next 20 minutes I was strapped to a table with multiple wires attached to my body.

"Where did you come from"

"I'll die before I tell you."

"If you say so"

He then allowed the electric power to burn me it was the most excruciating pain I had ever felt
In my life and before I could refrain myself I screamed out in pain.

"Ah I think we have found you're breaking point." He laughed. "Time to turn in up a notch"

It continued for what seamed like hours and by the time I was dragged back to my cell I was utterly numb and ready to die.

Adonis's POV:

I was lying in Anna's bed softly playing with her hair while she cuddled into my side. If I was being honest with myself the feeling of her skin after the sex we had makes me nauseous. It's good at the moment but I'm ready for her to leave. I was just about to make my leave when a knock on the door halts me.

"Alpha we have a rouge in the dungeons that has refused to cooperate. What do you wish for us to do?" My second in command Alex asked.

"Have Maximus torture them until they crack." I stated simply.

" He's been down there for the last 8 hours Derek she won't break he tried electricity but she still wouldn't give us any info we had to stop before we put her into cardiac arrest."

" She?" I question.

"Yes alpha a she"

"I will be right down." I reply coolly before standing up and putting on the sweatpants and black t shirt I wore to Anna's room.

Deciding to head straight to the dungeon I don't bother to change.
As I make my way down the dimly light stairs a smell hits my nose that has my wolf scratching at the surface to be let out. It smells of roses and vanilla but I can smell blood mixed in with it. I feel anger surge through me but I force it away.


"Alpha" he bows his head.

"What have we here" I ask hardly sparing a glance at the woman slumped on the wall.

"Honestly alpha I know nothing about her no name no age she didn't react or cave to anything. I couldn't even get her to show pain until i electrocuted her and all she did was scream. I've never seen anything like it"

I looked into her cell.

"Open it" I demanded.

She lay on the floor you could tell she was hot even through the stab wounds and blood. She flinched every once and awhile because of the voltage her body still felt. I forced her chin up to look at me, and I could feel sparks. I then looked into her eyes and confirmed the obvious she was my mate. She stared back at me.

" what luck I have" she muttered quietly.

" my own mates going to be the death of me how ironic."

I don't respond.

"Well since there is a bond between us please I'm begging you kill me now. I don't have much longer but I can't stand the pain." She sobbed.

" shh kitten it will all be over soon" I whispered into her ear before placing my large hand over her delicate face cutting off her oxygen supply. She struggled for a few seconds but it wasn't long before I felt her go limp under me.

"Take her out of here Maximus. Now."

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