The Past

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She had needed to get away, that was the only thing on her mind.

She didn't know what she had done this time, but she seamed to have pissed her father of more then usual. He wasn't a loving man; he was cold and heartless. He had been that way ever since his mate, Tori's mom had died in what appeared to be an attack. But tonight he had done something he had never done before, he threatened her life.

His violence was nothing new. I'm Tori's small bit of existence, she had fast his wrath many times. Usually during her trainings, but also frequently outside of them.

His fists rained down on her skin. Not just once repeatedly , blow after blow landing anywhere she couldn't cover with her small hands. It seamed like he didn't stop hitting her for hours, but in reality it was only about twenty minutes or so, then he had passed out and began to snore; due to the all the alcohol he had ingested before she had made it home from school. It was in his episode that his threat hung in the air, "your worthless!", he had shouted. " I'll end you, you retched little bitch."

Tori was just 10 years old when her mother died in an unknown attack, and was 11 when her father was stripped of his alpha tittle making him nothing.

The pack had to do what was best for everyone, her father had gone mad after the loss of his mate. His heart had turned to stone and his mind turned from being thoughtful to cruel. He was making horrible decisions that had many innocent lives taken.

The pack feared for Tori; she was still only a child, but it didn't matter they left her to fend for herself. Alone with her father, her training had begun. His goal was to turn her into a killing machine, so that eventually her mother's death could be avenged, and her father could reclaim his tittle. She had begun not only learning about combat, but the art of knives, torture, and so much more.

It was around 3pm when she found it in herself to move, her body ached and she could still feel how his hands felt as they bashed at her skin. She went up the stairs quietly trying hard not to wake him, for she feared for her life.

After she was at the top she tip toed in to the bathroom to see what damage had been done, she was horrified.

Her tan skin was not as dark as it used to be, in fact she looked as pale as a ghost. Her beautiful blue eyes that she had inherited from her mother looked lifeless. In fact she could barley see them for both eyes were swollen and nearly closed shut. Her arms, legs, stomach and back were covered in specks of purple and blue. Her thick dark brown hair was matted and sticking together because of the blood from her head gashes traveled to the back of her head.

Tori was scared but she did not cry her father taught her many things like not showing pain or emotion. He had also taught her how to control her facial expressions to make it easier to lie and get information. She was 13, a young girl that had started to be trained to be ruthless.

But she couldn't stay, she would die.

Her own father would kill her in his drunken state.

So she did what she had to she went to her room and packed her school bag to the brim with clothes, she also grabbed her savings that she had kept and earned by tutoring, she was a smart girl.

However she was still to young to have much money so she took a small amount from her dad and prayed her wouldn't notice. Tori had a small amount of cash only about 100 or so dollars, and she knew it wouldn't last long, but pushing it to the back of her mind she wrote a small note to her father; feeling as though he deserved some peace of mind, knowing that she wasn't taken and for the moment she was alive.

With that she kissed his cheek and left, she had no where to go, but she wasn't afraid, she felt free. For the first time in a long time she felt like she was going to be okay.

With that she made her way down her drive way, and then her street, before she knew it she was no longer in town. She was hungry and tired and in pain but that didn't matter, all that mattered was that she was going to be okay.

~ Three Years Later~

The last few years had been tough but she had been tougher. She had found a small place in a neutral territory to call home. She had a small one bedroom one bath flat, with a small kitchen and living space. She even worked odd jobs for other displaced wolves to make a living.

She had been on the streets when the son of the alpha and Luna of the pack that owned this territory had found her. She was skinny and looked very unhealthy for two years they had taken her in helped her regain health and even made her a pack member. The alphas son, Noah and her were even a couple. She loved him dearly he had helped her when she needed someone the most. She owed him her life.

The pack Tori belonged to, The Silver Creek Pack, had been thriving for many years and was known as the strongest pack in the North American continent, however they were lovers not fighters they were known for their vast riches and hard and friendly working pack members. They had never once been in a war because they kept the peace, and posed no threat to anyone in the neighboring pack lands.

Tori's life was perfect, there for it couldn't be long before it fell apart, and it did.

It was the winter that tori turned 16 that Noah had started to preach to his parents that they needed to start learning how to fight, his parents however were very against the thought of violence and refused to start any combat training during their term as leaders of the pack.

Noah went against their wishes and took a select group of about 20 pack members to learn skills in combat, for about 2 months they trained every day for hours at a time and began to make themselves perfect fighting machines, Tori was one of the best due to her training before hand.

February rolled around and the entire pack realized to late that 20 people that knew how to fight were not enough.

The Dark Wolf pack of Canada had heard about the Silver Creek group, and it angered them that a group of wolfs so weak would be referred to as the strongest pack in the continent. Their alpha was young only around 17 when he came to power, he had fought his father to the death, however some of his pack members were still skeptical as to weather he was a good leader or not. He decided that he would concur the best pack in the continent and prove that he was the best alpha the pack had ever seen. It was this decision, unknowingly, that shaped the fate of many lives.

A young Adonis and his top 200 warriors made their way to the unsuspecting pack with a purpose, to become the strongest pack. A pack whose very name struck fear into anyone that dared whisper about its existence.

It didn't take long for many of the Silver Creek wolves to lose their lives, they didn't know how to defend themselves so they were slaughtered at a very fast rate.

Noah and the group of 20 worked hard to fight back but they were out numbered by too many, so instead of fighting they worked to instead get people out of the pack land and into neutral territory, they saved as many as they could about 50 men, women, and children. But they had lost Noah's parents and all of the 20 fighters but Noah and Tori.

That was the first day Tori had cried since her mother died. They had just returned from escorting the last batch of people when they saw what the pack had become. Dead bodies littered the ground and the beautiful white snow was no longer white but a blood red, buildings were on fire and peoples screams of agony could be heard so loud that she couldn't hear herself think.

The worst part was the tall poles that held the heads of Noah's parents, this was no longer Noah's pack, the Dark Wolf alpha had claimed the land as his own and Noah's alpha title along with it.

Tori fell to her knees and sobbed, Noah was the one to pick her up kiss her gently and then walk back to Denver. He gathered the rest of the surviving members and took us to the unknown lands of Canada, where he swore that one day he would have his revenge, and like that Tori was yet again walking towards what she hoped would be a better life.

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