Sour Prom - Olivia Rodrigo

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"Ok baby are you ready?" Olivia asks. I nod and look at my dress.

"I love my dress." Olivia smiles and kisses me. I smile and we part.

"You look stunning," Olivia says making me blush. Soon the director starts shouting orders at people and directs me to a spot near the front. At the end of Brutal, I have to kiss Olivia to piss off all the homophobes. 

"And, action!" The director shouts. Olivia starts singing and we all start dancing. Soon it's coming to the end of Brutal so I get onto the podium with Olivia. When the song ends Olivia and I connect our lips. When the director says 'cut' Olivia and I part. We smile at each other and connect our lips again.

"That was the best performance I've ever done," Olivia says as we part. I giggle and raise my eyebrows at her.

"Why was that?" I ask making her giggle.

"Because I got to show my love for you in front of everyone." She says making me blush widely.

A/N: I'm sorry this part is so short! I had writer's block while I was writing this but I have more parts coming with more people!

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