suite life on deck - Cole Sprouse

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request for @JulzLovDraco4Eva:  Y/n was a big fan of The Suite Life On Deck, she watched all episodes every single day of the week she had free and her biggest dream of all was to visit the Suite Life Set, See everything come to life, meet the cast but her biggest dream was to meet Cole Sprouse himself, she had the biggest crush him. One day she got the chance to as her mother secretly entered her name into a competition to meet a specific cast member of her choosing who would take her on a behind the scenes look at the Suite Life On Deck Tv Show Set which they are currently filming season 3 and once Y/n heard the news she squealed with excitement. On the day of the tour, she had just met the cast who she had adored and then they asked her who she wants to show her around and she straight away said Cole's name. So while he was telling Y/n all about his time in Suite Life On Deck being Cody she never missed a word as she loved being with him and Cole learned a lot about Y/n how she loves Suite Life On Deck, found out he was her favourite character and actor out of all of them which made him start falling for her and she loved every single set he showed her until he was asked to film the scene where Cody and Bailey fight over Buck in the episode Rat Tale, afterwards she congratulated Cole on a job well done as she felt like she was actually on the boat and he thanked her surprisingly with a kiss and asked her to be his girlfriend and she happily accepted and spent the rest of the day after the tour had finished with the Cast and her Boyfriend Cole Sprouse having fun getting to know each other more.

As I run home down the street from school I hear kids laughing, dogs barking and cars driving. I burst through the front door. I run to the living through and jump onto the couch. I turn on the TV and begin to watch the suite life on deck. My favourite show. After a few minutes, I hear the phone ring. I groan, pause the show and get up to answer it.


"Hi, is this Y/n?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"We're the producers for Suite life on deck and we are thrilled to say that you just won a free behind the scenes tour with your favourite cast member!" My jaw drops.

"Wow! Really?" I ask confused but also excited.

"Yeah! Tomorrow is the tour. I'm assuming your mother or father would have gotten the address so please arrive at ten." The producer says before hanging up.

"Honey! I'm home!" Mom sings as she walks through the door. I look at her and hold the phone.

"Did you enter my name into something?" I ask confused making her nod.

"Yeah! Did they call?" She asks sounding genuinely interested.

"I won, I guess," I say making mom smile. "You should've gotten the address and we're supposed to be there at ten." 

"Well, we can do that," Mom says making me smile.


We got to the set of the show and I look around in awe. I'm actually here, wow. One of the producers came up to us and introduces us to the cast.

"So, who do you want to show you around?"

"Cole," I say making him nod.

"Alright, Cole, would you do the honours of showing Y/n around?" The producer asks making Cole smile and nod.

"Hey, I'm Cole." He says making me smile.

"Y/n." After Cole showed me around I stood by and watched him doing a scene where Cody and Bailey have to fight. After the scene finished I congratulated him. "You did really good."

"Thanks." He says smiling. He kissed me on the cheek and I feel myself begin to blush. "I like you, a lot, Y/n."

Holy crap. Is Cole Sprouse telling me he has a crush on me?

"Do you wanna, maybe go out for smoothies some time?" He asks making me smile and nod.

"I'd love that." I say. He smiles and hugs me.

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