How they react to you being sick (Stranger things)

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"Y/n, you look bad."

"Are you ok?"

"Sleep. You'll be ok after asleep."


"Y/n are you feeling ok?"

"I'll take you home so you can rest."

*You're obviously being stubborn*

"No, Y/n. I'm taking you home. You're sick."


"I don't know what to do."

"Do you need anything?"

"I'll call your mom."


"Here's some water."

"Mom! Y/n's sick!"

"My mom's not home but Jonathan is."

"I'll hold your hand until my mom gets here."


"Come on, let's go to the nurse."

"She'll send you home and you'll feel better."

*when you're at home*

"Ok, I bought you some of my moms soup."


"Are you feeling ok?"

"Come on, you need fresh air."

"I'll get you some ice. It's like really hot."


"C'mon baby, I'll take you home."

"Here's my water bottle."

"Do you want to take off your jacket?"

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