thunder - Rachel Roth

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You and Rachel lay in bed together while thunder rumbles outside, waking you up. You've always been terrified of thunder. Ever since you were little and living on the streets, thunder has scared the shit out of you. You start breathing heavily. "Rachel." You whisper. "Rachel!" You whisper again, a little louder this time. 

Rachel opens her eyes. "Baby, are you ok?" She asks.

You shake your head and Rachel sits up, pulling you into a hug. "Hey, it's ok. The thunder will go away soon. I promise." She says softly making you nod as you still breathe heavily. Rachel is one of the only people who know about your fear of thunder. If anyone else knew. they'd make fun of you. Maybe even kick you out of the Titans because of it.

"Everyone get's scared of something, baby, it's ok," Rachel reassures making you nod your head. Slowly, your breathing becomes more steady and Rachel kisses you on the lips. "How about we get some ice cream and watch some Dirty Dancing?" She asks making you chuckle and nod.

"I'd like that." You smile.

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