Part 20

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It felt like a lifetime has past since i have seen Peter or his lackeys. Yeah it was strange, but I realised that the Wolfsbane no longer coursed through my veins. My healing had begun to kick in.

None of my other abilities have returned but my wounds were no longer gaping and wet with blood, and I wasn't about to give anyone reason to check on me. So I sat quietly, biding my time till I could make a break for it.

The seed of hope had began to sprout in my mind, the taste of freedom was so close it was unbearable. I wanted to break out now, to run and never stop but... that's what I have always done.

I have always run away from who I am and what I can do, because 'he' was always chasing me. It always came back to Peter.

He was the reason my family was now gone. He was the reason I had to run, why I was always running and I was SICK OF IT! No, this time I wasn't going to.

I had no one and nothing left to lose. I wasn't going to run anymore, I was going to fight! And when my abilities returned, that's exactly what I was going to do.

But one thought was nagging me, why have I not seen anyone? I was no longer being injected with Wolfsbane... What were they playing at?

Just as I thought this, the sound of the metal door unlocking made me cringe. Was my hope short lived?

Meanwhile; Chase and Derek have started their three day trip to High Falls territory...

We were travelling by car, being Wolf form made it too hard for Chase's pack and my own to communicate. So prevent miscommunication, and to maintain strength for the war to come, we drove.

'God I hate cars,' Chase complained again in the passengers side.

'Can you shut up?' I was annoyed at this point. I had my men looking for Kat and looking for information on the rogues location, and nothing. And Chase's constant complaining was starting to push me over the edge.

'Dude, do you want to talk about it, I mean about her?'

His words surprised me. I usually kept to myself, not even my pack knew about my relationship with Kat. She liked it that way, and so did I.

I thought about introducing her the moment I knew we were Mates, but part of my was so damn protective that I couldn't let another man lay eyes on her.

She was beautiful, breath taking. The way she walked captivated and mesmerised me, she had this pull on me that I wasn't willing on seeing if it worked on anyone else.

Then she would smile, it was rare when she did, but she seemed to glow. Like she would command the elements around her to show you what she didn't say, that she was kind, caring and compassionate.

'Derek.' Chase's voice broke my train of thought.

'I don't-' I began before he cut me off.

'Dont you dare say you don't know hat to say. We have been driving for almost two and a half days in complete silence. I know you are torturing yourself, and I know you are a very private person. But if...!'

He stopped. Chase didn't like saying 'her' name because it brought back too any memories. But he more than anyone should know what I'm going through.

'Its not that I don't know what to say, there's just too much about Kat that's special, if probably never shut up,' I blurted.

Since losing Kat, my heart and mind have slowly started to lose grip on my composure. Not having her with me was affecting me physically, and I hated it.

Chase simply nodded before continuing, 'Then start from the beginning.'

I looked at him. I knew I could trust him, but would telling him help release the anxiety I felt from her abscence? It was worth a try.

So I launched into our story; from the moment we met, to the moment she told me she wanted to love me for me. The moment she shared her biggest secret and fear, right down to the last time I laid eyes on her.

Once I was finished, Chase remained silent. For minutes he didn't say anything, no a single word, and it was starting to piss me off.

'Chase for the love of The Moon Goddess! Say something!' I growled, but he didn't seem surprised.

'How did my silence make you feel?' He finally spoke.

'What!?' Was he stupid? What the hell was he talking about?

'How did MY silence make you feel?' He repeated slowly, emphasising his use of 'my.'

I furrowed my brows and spoke my thoughts, 'Like you didn't hear or didn't care about anything I just said.'

He looked at me then and raised his eye brows. Oh. My. Goddess.
'Thats exactly how I made Kat feel...'

How could have been so stupid as to not realise my actions that night? My sweet Mate. She shared the most important part of herself with me and I didn't show her any response to comfort her.

'See Derek, I know you and so I know your silent when you are deep in thought. Kat doesn't. She grew up second guessing every little detail in people behaviours.'
Chase didn't have to say the rest, I knew what he was going to say.

Kat wasn't taken by the Rogues, she ran away... from me.

'Derek!' A mind link came through, and it was Cole. Cole was out investigating Kat's disappearance.

'Yes!?' I didn't try and hide my surprise when I heard him in my mind.

If he had heard word of Kat's location, I would allow myself forgiveness for my stupid mistake, if in turn Kat forgave me.

'Ive got her scent!' Those were the words I have been waiting to here for the past month.

'Where is she Cole?' My voice desperate as my heart ached for my Mate.

'High Falls Alpha.'

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