Part 23- Derek's POV

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Both packs lunged forward, shedding their human skin for the fur of their wolves. Within an instant the quiet night was filled with cries of battles as each pack went in the attack.

Except me. Aaron and I had kept our human forms and we found ourselves circling one another, whilst our packs fought for different causes.

'I guess I've been caught,' Aaron chuckled which caused the hairs on my neck to raise.

I gritted my teeth so hard I could barely make what I said next audible, 'If you have so much as touched-'

'Touched a hair on her head? Oh we have done more than that,' Aaron spat.

An Alpha roar escaped me at the thought of my Mate being harmed. Aaron would die tonight and so would the bastard that kept her from me.

No longer comprehending sense, I wanted to let my rage take over me. I wanted blood, I was going to get blood, but I needed to be level headed.

'Who are you working for!?' I snarled.

Aaron simply laughed, and it sounded more menacing amongst the war that raged beyond our circle. 'Thats the killer part Derek, because you know who it is.'

Instantly my mind swam with the possibilities of who it could be. But I don't know anyone from Kat's past, I don't no anyone that would... Then it hit me.

I growled my wolf side closer than I thought, 'Fucking Peter!'

It made sense. As soon as he joined my pack when we were younger, naturally I looked into his past. He tried well to keep it covered, but I found out his father was banished.

He was caught conspiring against an Alpha, and I see now that Alpha must have been Kat's father. What other option was there?

Peter wanted revenge against the family that banished his, but now I know he wanted more. He wanted Kat.

'Finally figured it out have you? Took you long enough,' Aaron continued to taunt.

I could feel my canines extending as red began to fill my vision. 'But wait Derek, it gets better.'

Aaron had the upper hand here, in information only. I glanced around and saw his pack members numbers dwindling, smirking when I realised he hasn't noticed.

'You want to know how Peter pulled it off at such a young age? You helped him.'

His words shocked me. How...? What...? Around us everything went silent, the battle was nearly over and who ever else stood in my way, would meet the same fate.

But Aaron's accusations caused my inside to spiral into turmoil. 'Yes that's right, you helped kill her pack, her family and now here we are.'

'Dont listen to him Alpha,' Cole spoke to my mind, 'He is buying time.'

'Explain Mongrel!' I growled at Aaron, causing him to laugh.

'Youre just too stupid to figure it out on your own? Well if I have to spell it out...' He trailed off, purposely building tension with his silence.

'You knew of Peters past, except when you ascended the pack, you made him Beta anyway.'

My brows furrowed and I felt myself slipping, it was true. There's no lie about it. I knew of his past and I have him the power to take the most important thing to me, away.

'Alpha!' Cole yelled into my mind.

It snapped me back to reality. Yes I caused this, yes I was the reason Kat left, and I was the reason she got caught. But moping won't save her. I needed to do something!

I reached out through our bond and cringed when I felt it, but barely. She was suffering because of me. I just hoped she would forgive me...

Hey my sweets, my gosh I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. Something happened on my end and then writers block stunned me. Sorry the update is short but you know I love cliff hangers. Thanks for being loyal and stay tuned X

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