Chapter One

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You know, he should be worrying about how the hell he even got into this damned building, but that was the last thing on his mind at the moment. At the least, he was scared out of whatever wits he had left, that the vacuous oppressor of his would beat the living shit out of him. Honestly, he wasn't even sure why they decided to pick on him out of everyone at their school, but he supposed it could be worse. Besides, he decided that the contusion or two he'd sport was a mere addition to his "maverick" attitude. Now, he wasn't necessarily a rebel of any sorts, more or less a teenager filled with angst.

Continuing back the building he'd found himself in... The walls were covered in a thin layer of mold, which didn't even phase him in the slightest bit. In fact, in a certain sense, it intrigued him even more. The floors (which seemed to have carpet on them, but he wasn't completely sure) were just as dingy as the walls, making him crinkle up his nose the slightest bit, and shift to his other foot. His eyes traveled to another room in the house, and all in all, he was just in a sense of awe that the damned place hadn't been torn to the ground within seconds of it being considered a rather hazardous areas, with all the mold and all. Though, there was one thing off about the whole place; the smell. Rather then smelling like mold, or dead corpses, it smelt like... He took a deep breath of the thick air, coughing a little at the smell. It smelt like incense. Usually he'd be all into that, but at this point he was, quite frankly, terrified. To be more specific about the incense smell, it smelt like frankincense and myrrh, like what the churches use. 

Shivers crawled up his spine, making him shove his hands deep into the pocket of his jacket and let out a small breath of air, trying to focus on the most important thing here; he wasn't getting beat up. Though, at this point, he'd much rather prefer that, because he heard a voice.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?" It called to him in a taunting manner, a small, maniacal chuckle following it. 

He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't force any words out, his mouth just opening and closing like he wanted to say something, but couldn't. His eyes were wide, and he anxiously glanced around the room, finally working up the courage to speak at least something.

"Who-Who are you?" He croaked, his voice wavering, and he assumed that was because he literally felt like breaking down into hideous sobs.

“And does it matter who I am?” Quite the response, honestly from this seemingly annoying kid, he should’ve expected it. Though, he’d never been one to be good at predicting people’s words, no matter how expected they were.

“Well, a little bit,” He shrugged his shoulders, his eyes falling shut for a moment, but opening them as the other spoke once more.

“No, you see, it does not matter who I am, nor what I am. It is of no importance, and I suggest you drop it, because you won’t be getting an answer from me. Though, quite frankly, I’d like to know your name,” Frank’s eyes widened as he spoke, worrying his lip between his teeth and shaking his head a little.

“How.. How’d you know?” Of course, in such a time of need to be able to speak with the intelligence he held, he completely lost it, and was at a loss of words, stuttering and tripping over them.

“I know everything,” was all it said, the room going into silence.

Frank took that as his cue to leave, and never come back again, but even if he said he’d never come back, he was so damn intrigued by the place that he knew he’d find himself back within a matter of time. He was that one kid, that one curious one that tried everything, even kissing boys. Yes, Frank had most definitely kissed boys before, more than one in fact. He laughed quietly in spite of himself, starting his slow walk home when he felt a firm hand on his shoulder. He grunted and turned around, seeing a fairly attractive male who was much taller than he, but honestly, who wasn’t taller than him?

“What were you doing in that building?” The boy spoke in a hushed tone, but he could clearly hear the seething anger in it.

“What’s it matter?” He hissed, trying to pull away, but he placed his other hand on his shoulder, holding him into place. “Listen, if you want to beat me up, just do it, don’t make me sit here and suffer through the waiting.”

The kid bitterly laughed, shaking his head a little, “I’m not going to beat you up, but I want to know what the fuck you were doing it that building.” He pulled a hand off his shoulder and pointed towards the building Frank had just emerged from.

“What. The. Fuck. Does. It. Matter.”  He snarled, huffing to move a lock of his faux-hawk from his eye. “Seriously, I came out of a damned building, I could’ve been sucking a guy off for all you know! It’s my business, not yours, and to be quite frank with you, I don’t like when people involve themselves in shit that isn’t their business. So, why don’t you get your fucking paws off of me, and run along?”

The taller kid clearly didn’t want to tolerate Frank’s shit, and grabbed the collar of his shirt, something off in his eyes; something that scared Frank. Now, he wasn’t even one to be scared of people, let alone some pretty awkward looking stranger, but now, he wasn’t scared beyond his wits. Again. “Tell me, before I have to fucking beat it out of you! I know I said I wouldn’t, but you’re pissing me off.”

Frank took a deep breath, shifting his gaze from the ground to the other’s eyes, still seeing the odd glint. “Fucking hell, man, okay. I was going to get beat up by some kids from school, so I sprinted into the first building I saw and wasn’t a business office and wasn’t locked and that happened to be it.” He shrugged his shoulders, studying the boy for a moment.

He nodded, putting him down, and letting his arms fall to his sides, “Mikey,” he hummed, and Frank presumed that was his name. “Be careful about going in that building,” he muttered, giving a small sigh and turning on his heels, his back now to Frank. “It’s not safe in there.”

Frank chewed his lip, not saying anything for a moment and he wasn’t sure if it was because he was purely terrified or if it was because he wasn’t sure what to say to him. He settled to give the brief introduction of himself now, “Frank,” he didn’t really want to waste any words on the petty boy; he knew it’d be pointless.

Besides, he couldn’t even find it in his cold, little, most likely dried up heart to talk to his own brother.

Another unexpected thing happened, the boy turned on his heels, squinting his eyes as he peered at Frank. “Frank Iero? Like the one that wore skirts to school?” He could practically hear the smile in his voice, and he wasn’t sure if it was teasing or if it was him being proud or what the hell this kid meant by his tone.

“Yes, I’m that Frank,” he mumbled, looking back at his feet and awkwardly shifting between them with a sense of unsureness. He must’ve looked pretty awkward doing so to, because he could hear Mikey snorting quietly.

“Ah,” he hummed, giving another small nod, and Frank felt curiosity and nervousness curling in his stomach, making him literally want to throw up.

Frank couldn’t bring himself to speak, he just shifted his backpack on his shoulders, making a small noise of uncomfortableness and sprinting off towards his house. He felt something strange about that kid, not a crush strange, something more like, ‘I’m pretty sure he’s a serial killer strange’.

Not even one thing about this felt right, the voice in the building, that strange Mikey kid, the weird feeling bubbling in his stomach. Maybe he was just being paranoid, but he didn’t feel right, not even in the slightest bit. The feeling of puking up his internal organs was still a thought in his mind, and once more, maybe he was overreacting, but he just didn’t have a good feeling about this. There was one thing about Frank. He may not be good at observing a lot of things about people, but he was super good with his gut feeling or what not, and he definitely did not have a good feel about either of those things; Mikey nor the building.

That wouldn’t stop him from going back though.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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