9. First Mission

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Hey, trigger warning; Rape, sexual assault, kidnapping, vulgur-ish descriptions

     "We're finally out of the village!" I exclaimed. It was my first time really leaving the village and I loved it.

     I loved being outdoors in general, I felt most calm when I was outside surrounded by nature. I felt somehow connected to it, and I loved watching all the different animals as I walked. Not even once during any of my many nature walks had an animal of any kind tried to attack me, I in fact loved caring for and petting the animals that would approach me.

     While we were walking I heard rustling in the bushes close to us, but it didn't seem to have any negative energy so I hesitated to instantly go into a defensive stance. It turned out to be a completely harmless small fox, but it was limping. My instinct took over and I immediately rushed over, cradling the kit that couldn't be over 9 months old.

     It continued to paw slightly at me, proving that it needed help and I could help it. I brought it carefully into my lap and began examining it. It took some time, but eventually I found out it had hurt it's back leg somehow. To me it seemed it had gotten caught up in a hunting trap and managed to escape.

"Poor little one." The kit yipped and my ears twitched as I deciphered what he said.

     "Really?" I saw the others look at me slightly weirdly, and I realized they probably couldn't understand what the kit was saying. I looked back at the kit with new care.

     "Well what's your name?" The kit yipped and I 'ahh'ed in interest.

     "Ooh Kaen, that's a cool name huh?" He yipped again and then tilted his head at me.

     "Well my name is Nam- Uzumaki Naruto." Kaen growled slightly then yipped once again.

     "What? But isn't your kaa-san somewhere around here? Shouldn't you stay where she can find you?" Kaen whined before burrowing more comfortably on my lap.

     "Oh. Well then I guess I can bring you along." Kaen yipped happily as I cradled him close to my chest.

     I walked back over to my team, and Sakura looked at Kaen with adoration. "Well who's this little cutie."

     She tried to pet him but he snapped at her finger, growling before yipping something loudly at Sakura.

     I blushed while looking down at Kaen. Apparently Kakashi-sensei had been paying attention too, because he was suddenly curious as well. "What'd he say just now, Naruto?"

     "Well... he told Sakura to- to back away f-from his kaa-san." I looked down as I petted Kaen while Sakura tilted her head with new interest.

     "Why's that?" Honestly I had no idea how to answer that, because I didn't know either. Sasuke apparently had an idea though.

     "I think it's probably just the aura around Naruto. Whenever I watch him handle everyday things I get this feeling that he's meant to be an Oka-sama, so maybe the kit feels that too." My blushing had become so dark it was nearly the color of my hair. Kaen yipped happily at Sasuke and I looked at him pointedly.

     "You are not helping this." He jumped up and licked my face before hopping into my jacket and peeking his head out near the part that was unzipped. I groaned while everyone else snickered.

Omg look a super interesting time-skip

     After a few hours of walking we finally made it to Namida No Sato. While I was relieved I also felt very uneasy, I felt a very negative presence somewhere nearby. I yipped to Kaen- who had been asleep -to wake up. When he did I explained to him the best I could without having to actually say it, and he yipped in response, I then explained that I was going to seal him away for a moment, that way he could be safe in case a battle might break out.

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