12. Namikaze wings and a boyfriend?

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So this chapter is gonna have some really sudden developments, enjoy.
Also It is Naruto’s birthday in this chapter apparently.

And there will be mature content later in the chapter, I've put warnings. Yes I know they are young, but I'm not the original author of this. I didn't decide to write this scene, and leaving it out would just cause issues. Please refrain from commenting on their ages.

I've also put a small note at the end, for those who are currently active readers and may be curious about the book's update schedule😅


     I woke up, smelling a delicious aroma of bacon from downstairs. Before I went downstairs I quickly went to the bathroom and showered. Once I did that I put my boxers on then brushed my teeth. I put on some new clothes, a off-white tee and some blue jean shorts. Finally I brushed my hair- though it really didn’t do any good -and ran eagerly downstairs.

     I almost tripped and fell, but thankfully I somehow didn’t, and managed to catch myself properly. When I got downstairs I saw everyone doing their own little things, though they would still talk to each other from time to time. Kaa-san was currently making breakfast, and tou-san was reading the news. Akauri was drawing Kaen, who was currently sleeping peacefully next to one of the windows.. I also noticed Kurama sleeping lazily on the couch.

     I decided to sit next to Akauri and watch him draw, but when he turned to talk to me happily he cut himself short. He looked over my shoulder in awe, and when I heard my Tou-san gasp, I saw that he was too. Even when kaa-san popped out of the kitchen to say something, she paused and also looked over my shoulder.

     “What is it? What are you all looking at like that?” I asked, hoping even one of them could give me a sensical response. I was lucky enough that Akauri piped up with slight enthusiasm.

     “Ne, Naruto-niisan... YOU HAVE WINGS!” He suddenly piped up, seeming to finally register what was going on. I wish I could’ve said the same for myself, but I was just as confused. There was no way I’d have wings, I’m a fox.

     But finally, I had the sense to look over my own shoulder, and saw exactly what he was talking about. Behind me- possibly attached to me too -were beautiful blood-red wings with black streaked feathers. I instantly freaked out, completely oblivious that they were there until now.

     How long have I had them? How did I not notice them? How the hell do I even have them? I had gotten a little too eager while trying to look at my- my wings -and slipped on one of Akauri’s discarded papers. I fell hard to the ground, waking Kurama and Kaen  in the process. I managed to hit the back of my head pretty hard, and I could feel the bump coming in.

     “Itaiii…” I said, sitting up and rubbing my head gingerly. Tou-san helped me get back up and he smiled once I was standing. I smiled back. Kaa-san suddenly announced that breakfast was ready, and I gratefully sat down at the table and ate.

     When everyone was done eating kaa-san took our plates and I decided I’d help her wash the dishes. They were done quickly and afterwards I sat comfortably next to Kurama. Of course thanks to my luck, almost as soon as I sat down someone knocked on the door and it was apparently for me. I stood up begrudgingly and went to see who could possibly want me. I turned out to be Sasuke, who was standing slightly awkwardly but still confidently. When I came to the door he looked at me with slightly red cheeks.

     “Um.. H-happy birthday Naru-chan.” He said uncharacteristically nervous. He suddenly held out a yellow rose. “It’s for you.”

     “Arigato.” I muttered, blushing as I happily took the rose. He looked down and wrung his hands for a bit, but he didn’t leave so I stood awkwardly.

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