Mama's voice (NR)

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Nat's age- 35
Y/N's age- 2
Summary- Nat gets called on an emergency mission and has to leave y/n with Tony until she gets back but y/n hates when her mama leaves her so you won't stop crying until nat returns.
It's around 12:30pm on natasha's day of and you and her are in your playroom until nat gets a phone call from fury.

"What do you want nick?"natasha asks knowing fury wasn't supposed to call on her day off.

"We need you to come out to the HYDRA base with rogers there's new hidden information on Barnes." Fury says.

"But it's my day off nick I'm with my daughter!"nat exclaims hearing fury sigh on the other end of the phone.

"I know that natasha but this is important if you complete this mission you can have the week off."fury says hearing natasha sigh before quickly agreeing.

"A jet is outside waiting be ready in 15"fury says before hanging up the phone.

Natasha heads back to your playroom sitting down next to you.

"Y/N baby mama needs to go on a mission and will be back tomorrow. Okay?"nat says before seeing you burst out crying.

Around 10 minutes later you fell asleep so nat put you to bed before heading out the door leaving Tony in charge of you knowing he wouldn't really be watching you at all but it was the only option.

Around an hour later you wake up in your cot/crib before crying out for your mum. No one came except your uncle Tony.

"Hey y/n it's ok don't cry." Tony says picking you up bouncing you up and down.

"Mama?"you ask wiping your eyes holding onto Tony's t-shirt.

"Mama's on a mission but she'll be back soon remember?"tony says whilst carrying you shown placing you in a portable play cot/crib.

Instead of replying you just sit and play with your toys whilst Tony works on his new suit. A few times you would watch Tony but easily get distracted by coming up with a new game to play.

A little while later Tony gives you some lunch before bruce returns from a mission taking you off Tony's hands for a while.

It's around 6:30pm and you've just eaten your dinner that Bruce made you before he takes you upstairs to Tony who's putting you to bed.

"Come on y/n stop fussing and go to sleep"Tony says trying to place you in the cot/crib but you wouldn't stop fussing and crying.

Around 15 minutes later your still crying so Tony calls bruce to try and help calm you down but nothing seems to work.

"What the matter with her?"tony asks annoyed taking a seat on a chair nearby.

"I don't know k think she just misses Nat that's all"Bruce says carrying you down back to the lab.

"We need to speak to Nat so get y/n an earpiece and it might help her calm down."Bruce says sitting you on a table putting an earpiece in yours and his ears before connecting comms with Nat.

"Nat! Nat can you hear me?"Bruce says waiting for a reply.

"Yes Bruce what's up?" Nat asks Bruce casually.

"It's y/n she-" Bruce begins but quickly gets interrupted by Nat.

"Why what's up? Is she ok?"nat asks worryingly.

"She's fine, she just misses you and it very upset."Bruce says before connecting your earpiece so you can hear Nat aswell.

"She's here nat so she can hear you"Bruce says before hearing Nat speak.

"Y/N baby?"nat says catching your attention.

"Mama?"you say in a raspy voice.

"Hey baby it's me mama what's got you all upset?"nat asks continuing downloading files with your Uncle Steve.

"Miss mama" you say wiping your eyes.

"I know you do baby and mama misses you too but I'm busy right now so you need to go to sleep and mama will be back soon."nat says hoping it'll calm you down.

Nat was wrong you burst out crying and scream down the earpiece for your mama. Bruce takes the earpiece out of your ear before talking to Nat.

"Uh Nat I don't think that worked" Bruce said looking at you crying on the floor.

"Don't you think I know that Bruce"nat says before telling Bruce she's leaving the mission to come home hearing her daughter hyperventilating.

"No nat it's ok she'll be fine"Bruce try's to reassure her.

"No Bruce y/n needs me and I don't care what fury thinks about it."nat says before disconnecting from comms.

After any disconnects comms with Bruce she calls fury explaining the situation and how she needs to get home and will send someone else to help Steve. Eventually fury agrees letting Nat get home to you.

At the compound
Your still sat on the floor hyperventilating with Bruce trying to help you and Tony sat watching.

Sooner or later nat rushes through the compound down to the lab lifting you up into her arms quickly calming you down.

"Hey y/n it's mama. Your ok you just need to breathe."nat says stroking your hair kissing your forehead helping you calm down.

"There we go, it's ok your safe here with mama." Nat says quickly thanking Tony and Bruce and heading upstairs with y/n to their shared bedroom.

Nat quickly places you on the bed before quickly changing out of her shit into a oversized top and shorts before getting you changed into lighter pyjamas as all the crying and fussing has made you very hot.

"It's ok baby. Mama's here you can go to sleep now."nat says getting under the covers with you hugging you tightly. You slowly snuggle into your mama's chest.

"Love mama"you say before falling asleep.

"I love you to baby."nat says before falling asleep aswell.
Chapter seven re-write complete

grace x

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