Fire (SJ)

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Inspired by emilye0028
Scarlett's age-30
Colin's age-33
Y/N's age-7
It's just a normal day you ,your mum Scarlett and your dad Colin . You three are all snuggled up on the sofa watching  a movie . It's around 9:30pm when the movie finishes.

"Right little miss up to bed me and dad will be up in a minute" Scarlett says lifting her daughter of her lap.

"Ok mum"you say before exiting your mums lap.

You walk upstairs and go to your room and get changed for bed. Around 5 minutes later Scarlett and Colin come in your room and kneel down by your bed.

"Night y/n we love you"Colin says stroking his daughters head.

" I love you to mum and dad"you say snuggling into your duvet covers.

They both kiss your forehead and walk out your room and head to bed themselves

Meanwhile downstairs
Scarlett and Colin forgot to put out a candle they left on the side and when they got up a pillow fell and knock it over. About an hour later the whole living room was on fire and it was spreading to the dining room.

It's been around an hours since the fire started and no fire alarms have gone of yet and it has spread through the living room, dining room,guest bedroom and kitchen and it's was starting to spread upwards towards the bathroom

Scarlett and Colin were suddenly awaken by a fire alarm going of and they rushed out of bed and open there door and rushed down the corridor to see a fire all down the bottom floor.

"Omg we have to get out"Scarlett said whilst rushing to y/n's room.

"Y/N wake up sweetie there's a fire we've got to go"Scarlett says as she shakes you awake and you jump out of bed.

"Come on dad's waiting outside"Scarlett says before she grabs hold of your hand and hides your body in the side of hers.While she rushes you two downstairs. She holds you close while you walk slowly towards the front door.All of a sudden you realise you don't have your favourite toy lulu the bunny.

"Mum we have to go back lulu is still in my room"you say pulling away from your mums grasp.

"No sweetie I'm sorry it's to dangerous"Scarlett explains to you.

She grabs you tighter until a beam falls and you scream and let go of your mum and it separates you both. You are close to the front door and Scarlett is stuck on the other side.

"Sweetheart listen to me"Scarlett says whilst looking at you.

"Ok"you say slightly crying.

"You go outside to Colin and I'll go out the back." Scarlett says looking at you.

"Ok mummy"you say watching her run off.

Scarlett runs to the back door but you stay frozen because you just want to got back and get lulu. You look around for a blanket as your mum taught you about fire safety.

Meanwhile outside the house
Scarlett runs out the back door and round were Colin is and all the firefighters are.

"Scarlett are you ok?"Colin says running up to her.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine"she replies before they hug each other.

"Colin where's y/n?"Scarlett says whilst leaving Colin's embrace.

"What do you mean where is she I thought she was with you."Colin replies confused.

"No,no we got separated by a beam and she was closer to the front door than me so I told her to go and meet you whilst I went round the back"Scarlett says panicked.

"Ok ,ok don't panic we'll find her, I promise"Colin tries to reassure Scarlett.

Back to you
You find a handful of blanket and put them over a fire that's on the beam and jump over the beam and run upstairs to your room and grab lulu. Your about to leave when a beam falls in the middle of your room making you scream and run and hide in your wardrobe.

Scarlett and Colin are outside panicking when they hear a scream.

"Y/N" Colin whispers before he runs towards the burning building.

"Colin no!"Scarlett screams trying to run after him but being held back by a firefighters.

Firefighters begin to run after him but he's to quick and enters the burning building.

In your wardrobe

"Y/N , Y/N where are you sweetheart?"Colin shouts in the distance.

"Daddy help me, I'm in my wardrobe"you croak out as smoke starts to enter under the door.

Colin rushes to your rooms and opens the door and sees your room is starting to set on fire

"Y/N stay in your wardrobe , Ok?"Colin says who's desperately trying to find a blanket to cover you with.

"Ok daddy I want mummy"you cry from in the wardrobe.

"It's ok I'll get you to mummy"Colin says who's finally found a blanket.

Colin grabs a blanket from your bed and open up the door and you rush into his arms and he picks you up and covers your body in a blanket.

"Daddy"you shout wrapping your arms around his neck.

"It's ok I've got you your gonna be ok"Colin says whilst securing the blanket around your body.

He stands up with you still under the blanket in his arms and rushes out your room and rushes downstairs. All of a sudden a beam falls down in front of you and you scream.

"It's ok y/n it's not gonna hurt you"Colin says who continues running to get out of the house.

You and Colin get outside and he sets you down and you run into your mums arms.

"Mummy!"you shout whilst Scarlett kneels down to your height.

"Oh y/n baby are you ok?"Scarlett asks looking for any injuries on you.

"I was so scared but daddy came and got me"you say looking over at your dad who's sitting in an ambulance to see if he's ok.

"I know but you were so brave but why did you go back sweetheart?"Scarlett says trying not to freak you out.

"I just wanted to get lulu I'm sorry" you start to cry.

"No baby don't cry you'll make me cry"Scarlett says wiping your eyes.

She picks you up and carries you to Colin and he hugs you both.

"Are you ok Colin?"Scarlett asks sitting next to Colin.

"Yes Scarlett I'm fine don't worry"Colin reassures giving her a quick kiss.

"Come on we have to get y/n checked out" Scarlett says to Colin.

They take you to the ambulance staff and they check you guys all out and the firefighters out the fire out and your all safe and healthy again after your scary morning.
Chapter twelve re-write complete.
I liked this one I just didn't know how to end it , so I hope it's ok.

grace x

Scarlett/her characters x daughter one shots Where stories live. Discover now