Chapter 2 - The Chaos Empire

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You turned around and ran for your life. You had tears in your eyes but you didn't care. All you needed to do was to report this to your parents.

You looked back at the Juggerknights and the Marrowkai. You were wondering why they weren't chasing you.

But then you heard the Marrowkai say, "Abbysius Hagknes!" He put his hand in the ground, as if to grab something.

Then you felt something on your ankle. A skeletal hand appeared from the ground. It grabbed your leg, causing you to trip.

You tried breaking out of its grip, but to no avail. You heard footsteps approaching. You look to see a Juggerknight smirking down at you.

"You managed to get this far?" He asked. "Pathetic. Now you'll die along with your companions!" You saw as he raised his axe. It was the end for you.

"Wait." The Marrowkai said. The Juggerknight stopped. "What do you mean wait?" He asked.

"Don't kill her." The Marrowkai replied. You sighed in relief as the Juggerknight lowered his axe. "What do we do with her/him then?" The Juggerknight glared at the Marrowkai.

"We take him/her to Medusa." It answered. A creepy smile appeared on the Juggerknights' faces. "Ok." The second one said.

The Marrowkai walked away, followed by the first and second Juggerknight. The third Juggerknight harshly grabbed your hand. The hand on your ankle disappeared.

You tried running away again, but the Juggerknight's grip was strong. "You're not going anywhere." He said to you as he followed the others, dragging you with him.

After what seemed like ages of walking, Marrowkai came to a stop. "We're here." He announced.

You stopped and looked at what stood before you. There was a large grey castle. It reminded you of something from a fairytale.

You were wondering where you were. But you were afraid to ask. Marrowkai just walked towards the castle's doors.

He led you to a large room. It looked like a Giant would have fitted here. You looked around and saw a few Juggerknights. You also saw a bunch of people with bat wings and a bow and arrow in their hands.

When they saw you come in, they glared at you. You could hear some of them muttering insults. Probably because your sword gave it away that you were a Swordwrath from the Order Empire

You heard one of the winged people load their bow. But Marrowkai raised his hand, gesturing him to stop. "Medusa will take care of this." Marrowkai said.

You were led to a throne. Everyone was looking at you. You wondered why. Soon, Marrowkai went on his knees and bowed. "Queen Medusa, we have brought a prisoner from the Order Empire."

Then you spotted a figure on the throne. You didn't notice her before. She had red eyes and snakes for hair. She wore a green robe and a gold crown.

She looked at Marrowkai, then to you. She walked towards you. "Who are you?" She asked.

"My name is (YN)." You stuttered. You were still scared, especially since the Juggerknights backed away from this lady.

Medusa looked at you. "Do you not know who I am?" She asked. You shook your head. You knew her name, but you didn't who she was exactly.

"Do they not teach you in your schools?" Her voice sounded angry. You were starting to tear up. "I thought the Chaos Empire was just a legend." You cried out.

Medusa went closer to you. "The Chaos Empire is real." She said. "How do you not know that?" "Im only 7 years old." You replied.

She scoffed. "Children are pathetic." She muttered to herself. Medusa turned to Marrowkai. "Why did you bring this child here?" She asked.

"Um, Ill rather speak about this privately." Marrowkai replied. Medusa looked at everyone else in the room. "Alright." She said.

"Take him/her to a cell." She commanded a Juggerknight. "Yes my queen." He replied as he grabbed your hand and dragged you away.

He dragged you to a prison. He threw you in a cell and locked the door. You look through the iron bars as he walked away.

You had no chains on you so you could walk around. You glanced at the other prisoners.

There were some Swordwraths, Speartons, Shadowraths, and Merics. You could also see some Juggerknights. Probably traitors or something.

"Who's there?" You heard a voice. You looked behind you and saw an old man get a hold of his staff as he stood up.

It was a Magikill. He looked like he hasn't eaten in days. He saw you and his face turned into a sympathic one.

"What in Inamorta? Why is there a child here?" He asked as he went to you. You backed away, not knowing whether to trust this guy or not.

"Its alright. I won't hurt you." He said. He let out his hand for you to shake. "My name is Alchemy, whats yours?"

You hesitantly shook the old man's hand. "My name is (YN)." You replied. Alchemy nodded.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. You went quiet. You still didn't trust this guy. Your parents always warned you to stay away from strangers.

"You can trust me." He said. "I've been here for so long. And now they put a literal child in my cell. You must be traumatized."

You look at Alchemy. He did seem tired. You sighed and decided to explain everything.

Once you did, Alchemy nodded. "I hope this isn't too much for you." He said. "Your parents must already be worried sick."

"What are you doing here?" You asked. Alchemy sighed. "I was part of a scouting team to guard the desert and make sure Chaos dosen't cross the border. But they did and we were defeated.

"Thats why Im here now." He explained. You felt sad for this guy. "Have you eaten anything?" You asked. Alchemy shook his head.

"Not in 5 days." He replied. You looked at his tired face. An idea came into mind. "If they come and give me food, Ill give it to you." You said.

Alchemy chuckled. "Don't worry about me, kid." He smiled. "You save yourself. You don't know the tortures and pain here."

But you shook your head. "No, Im gonna help you and thats final!" You bravely said.

Alchemy looked shocked. But he smiled. "I've never met anyone as kind as you, (YN)." He said.

Maybe life here won't be so bad after all.

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