Chapter 3

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A/N Italic means he is speaking in pasrseltounge (i think i spelled that correctly)

Third Person

3 days, that's how long it took to get to where ever they are. But on the night of July 30th Harry and Niki were the only ones awake,"55, 56, 57, 58, 59....Happy Birthday Harry!!" Niki hissed happily. "Thank you Niki but," Harry paused," I don't think I'll ever have a happy birthday." Harry said with a sigh and with those words something nocked on the door. " Who could that be we're in the middle of nowhere?" Niki hissed, Harry was about to say something when, the door fell down revelling a very big and tall man. The man had introduced himself as Hagrid, he said that he had come to wish Harry a happy birthday and to explained everything about the what was in the letters. "Those letter where very important. They told you that you had been accepted into Hogwarts and what your school supplies for this year were". Hagrid said pulling a. letter from his. pocket and giving. it. to Harry. "umm I don't want to sssseem rude but.....what'ssss Hogwarts?" Harry asked shyly. "Don't need to worry 'arry Hogwarts is one of the best wizarding schools. So are you coming, unless. you want to stay with this. lot?" Hagrid said walking out of the lighthouse and Harry not far behind. with Niki disguised as a brown and black scaled scarf.

It had taken Harry and Hagrid all of yesterday. to get all the things Harry needed for his first year at Hogwarts. Hagrid had. found out. about Niki when. he. had got a snow owl as a birthday gift and she attacked Niki. Hagrid had promised that he would ask the headmaster if he could he could keep her on school grounds. Harry had found platform 9 3/4 oh his own after seeing a group of ginger had kids do it. Once he got on the train. he was able tho find an empty compartment, as he was trying to put his luggage up had lost his balance and had fallen on someone. " I'm. s-sso s-sssorry ssir" Harry had said on instinct, "tch whatever get up". As Harry got up he had moved his long hair out of his face so he could see the boy better, and what he saw was gorgeous. The boy had. bleach blond hair, beautiful grey eyes, and flawless pale skin. "Well you gonna sit down?" he asked very annoyed. Harry hadn't realized how long he had been standing there,but against his better judgment he ended up sitting across from the blond. "S-ssso what"ssss your name?" Harry asked nervously,"Draco Malfoy, but before either of us starts. to get to know one another i have to do something with your hair. Come here and sit down in front of me so I can at least make it look decent." Draco said pulling a few hair products from his bag. As Harry sat down to let Draco style his hair the train started to make its way to their first year at Hogwarts.

Word count:526

Thank you all for reading

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