Chapter 8

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Everyone in the Great Hall but the Slytherin Head of house was surprised with the happy and cheerful atmosphere around the Slytherin table when Draco and Harry had arrived. Harry and Draco had greeted everyone and when the staff looked at Professor Snape they were in shock because they saw a small  smile on his face, it was gone before any of the students could see it.


It wasn't till lunch when something dramatic happened. Lunch had started around 10 minutes ago and all the houses were keeping to themselves. It was till a loud scream came from near the Gryffindor table. The room went quiet, everyone saw a bunch a Gryffindor's huddled around one spot.  Curiosity getting the better of him Harry went to go and see what had happened. When he arrived he saw a girl with curly brunette hair in pigtails on the verge of tears. He was wondering why she was so freaked out till he saw Niki's head pop out of her hair. At this point the girl was screwed for someone to get the snake out of her hair, Harry just sighed and had put his hand near her hair. Niki then instantly slithered up his arm and around his neck. Harry had waited till she had stopped moving and walked back to the Slytherin table.


It has been three days since the whole snake in the hair drama and Harry was very much excited for the weekend. Draco had told him that the Slytherins were going to have a small game night to get to know everyone better.
It  was now 16:00 and all of the Slytherins (or all the ones that could come) were sitting in a circle. They had all decided on playing Truth or Dare and it had been going on for a while. So people had different hair colors and others had elf ears. It was 16:30 when Harry had been asked a question. It was a girl named Pansy Parkinson, she had black hair that was styled in a bob cut and brown eyes. "Harry Truth or Dare" she asked, Harry thought about it for a second before whispering his answer to Draco.

Word count: 367

The song has nothing at all to do with the chapter i was just listening to it as i was writing and added it.

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