Chapter 5: Special Day

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Finally, tomorrow is the last day of school. The 6 years in school really only felt like 3. It was a pretty fun time scouting out the males, talking to the females, and just as many laughs as I had on earth.

I even discovered someone who dislikes me so much that she declared me my enemy! Fun times, a delusional female who thinks I care about her hate for me. But you probably won't live life without encountering one of those!

But what's really been on my mind is the thing that makes tomorrow so " special" other than it being the last day of school.

"What's up with you today Nevaeh?" Suddenly I'm knocked out of my thoughts

Looking ahead I see some of my mom's males waiting at the entrance for me and my brothers.

"Oh nothing much I'm just wondering what makes tomorrow so special"I said and lani smirks "I know!" She said cheerfully. I looked at her in surprise but before I could ask what it was my mom walked up. I hadn't even seen her at the entrance!

" Hello lani, Hi cub. It's time to go kay? I've got some stuff to talk about with you."

" hi Mrs Hana"-" see you tomorrow Nevaeh!" Lani says winking at me before walking away with her mom's male.

I look at my mom and she smiles and she gestures to me to walk next to her.


As we make it home I change out of my furs for school and into my house furs. Walking into the living space I see my mom on a log and my fathers making dinner. Seeing an opening I jump on the back of my dada Ethen my moms cheetah male. He makes a big oof sound as I jump on him.

" Whoa there little cub, you're heavier now. Glad to see you putting on some weight!" I giggle and he puts me down next to mama. I've gotten used to all these fathers and this lifestyle by now even though I have much to learn.

My mama turns to me "I assume your teacher told you tomorrow was special and to bring all your parents?" My head snaps toward her " uh yeah actually I meant to ask you about that. What's special about tomorrow?"

" Well tomorrow at school you will have the chance to choose two future mates in your class. You have the option to choose none but if you do they will be your mates when you are of age in 3 short years for you."


" I can pick a mate!!?" I say staring at my mom. Both her and my fathers start to laugh. "No little cub. Did you hear what I said? You have the opportunity to mate with a chosen males when you are of age"

I just sat and stared in shock at my mother not even acknowledging my fathers trying to feed me.

I hardly got any sleep that night, granted I had 2 males on my mind.


The next morning before school, mama told me to put on my second best fur. Saving the first for campfires and ceremonies.

Getting ready for school was kind of nerve racking. I had so many thoughts in my head. Will I get Bain and mark? Will they want me? Would anyone want me? But my mom tried to assure me I'd walk out with a male, and might even be the ones I want.

I'm hoping that my mom's males don't scare them away considering she has a lot. I don't completely understand why all the parents have to come? But I assume that our teacher will explain that.


Walking into school I'm feeling way more confident about this. I have my mama and fathers with me, I know I'm quite pretty, and I'll be happy with any male I'll get.

Like any other day I walk into the school and take my log seat next to lani. This time with my mama and all my fathers with me.

The teacher claps his hands to call attention to us.

" What a good day today for the young males and females. Today is special because as some of your parents might have told you, today the females may have a chance to choose a male to be a future mate and/or be asked to be a future mate. Every female has a chance to walk out of here with 2 future mates. But a female may choose not to leave with any at all as some of you are still accepting things."

The teacher smiles and looks at us as he makes sure things set in. There are reactions of shock, surprise, hope, and cockiness? This happens to come from the girl who declared me as her enemy. From her I hear a mumble of " Bain is mine"she mumbled with a smirk.

Oh heck no, not today. Even if Bain does not end up with me I hope he does not end up with a snob like her.

Once the teacher sees everything set in he continues. " And as you probably don't know these future males will move into the female's home when she turns 16 and then when she is of age at 17 they will go off on their own" he says this before looking over us and nodding. "Well you all may go find your future mates! To mark a male as chosen you must touch their chest and kiss them"

I have no problem with that as he had already taught us that. Which inevitably ended up in an accidental mate being chosen. After he said that I looked at my mama and she nodded. So I go into the middle of the room scanning the room, looking. I see a flash of yellow and then I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around-

Yeah I had to do the cliffhanger 😂 the next chapter should be coming later tonight or tomorrow.

Finished July/25/2021

Not edited

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