9: Comfortable complex conflict(CCC)

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" Ready to go pup" my mom says, reaching her hand out for me to grab.

Grabbing her hand I yawn "Of course it's been a long day I need some beauty rest.''That of course grabs a laugh from my mom!

Man I've got a rival and some drama already and I'm not even of age yet. What a crazy world this is.


After all that drama I was honestly beat. By the time we got home the sun was just setting.

I really miss knowing what time it is.

" Did you want to go see Lani pup? I can walk you over there" my dada Zack asked.
"Nah honestly I'm beat dad" I said dramatically draping myself on his back. Earning a chuckle from him.
Well- granted how short I was for my age it was like his waist and the start of his back. Stupid female genes of this world!

Honestly can my fathers stop passing me back around! And I'm passed to another father as my dad goes to start dinner.

"Well you can go straight to sleep after we fill up this little stomach of yours!" He starts ticking me!

"Ah aha-hah haha! Oh my god stooooop!" He starts laughing after he lets me go. "It's not funny!"
"Your reactions are quite funny pup!"Mom says laughing too

I sat down with a plop on the log- which let me tell you hurts just as much as you think it might.

Zack comes over with a bowl with meat and broth in it. I try to take it from him but he stops me

"Ah- Ah-Ah! What are you doing pup?"
"I'm going to feed myself" I said with a pout
"No little pup, females don't feed themselves, nor do they cook, or bathe themselves. Don't you know this pup?"
Ah yes females don't do anything, well besides mothers bathing their female Cubs. I honestly quite like this feature in this world, but I mean it crosses the line somewhere?

However I give in to my dad as he holds a piece of meat in front of my mouth.
A very, very bland piece of meat-
Wait! I can bring flavors to this world just like Bai did! Easy ways to get furs and other things!

"So pup you satisfied with how today went" my father Derick asked while feeding my mother

" Oh yes! I am father! I was able to have both the males I wanted as my future mates! And one of them has 3 marks already!"

"Sounds like you had a good time pup, would one of them happen to be a Lion, a tiger, or a liger?" My father Derrick said. This was beginning to sound like an interrogation.

" No Derick it's Henry a 2 marked Cheetah and Bain a 3 marked Black Mamba" my Dad Zack said not bothering to look at Derick

" what?! You did not make her find A good Land beast? She's stuck with the scum of land beasts and a practically feral reptile!"

My fathers started to take sides as they normally do with disagreements. My mother would have resolved this by now but she had done nothing as of yet.

Thankfully most of my fathers seemed to be on Zacks side
" Derick, those are the males she has chosen ! Why would it matter what beasts she has? and she will have more anyway!" Zack said, looking at Derrick with distaste.

"G-guys, why does it matter?"
And I'm ignored as Derrick spits out his response.

" Well obviously for protection! She is the only female Hana had birthed as of yet. She needs a strong land beast to take care of her. Just Like her mother, among all you puny beasts she has me! A lion beast" Derrick said screaming right back a Zack

At this point I had no idea what to do. I was just silently looking at mom with a "fix this" look on my face.

"Nevaeh can be with who she wants to be with! She is a female and is almost of age and she already has a land b-"

"Umm- c- could I say something"
My comments were ignored  once again as Zack and Derrick went back and forth.
I've been through too much of two parents dictating my life and I had experienced how unhappy and unhealthy it had made me. I lived my life in my parents' shadow. And they lived the life they wanted for me, through me. Not again, I'm not doing this again.

Letting out a loud growl I yelled "Everyone just be quiet and let me speak!"
The room went silent and everyone's eyes were on me as I stood in the middle of the sitting space.

I looked Derrick in they eye and then I looked all my fathers in the eye
"I don't care what person you think I should mate with. But it's my body, my mind, and my relationships and I will do what I want with them. And if you have a problem with that Derrick, then I will resolve that right here right now."

Derrick immediately spoke up after I finished
"No no Nevaeh I have no problem it is up to you cub! I just think that you should do it just for pro-"

"Shut the hell up Derrick and sit down, not only have you insulted my Cubs decisions but you regarded my males as inferior while deluding yourself to think you're not at the same level as them." My mom said, staring at Derrick.

If looks could kill he'd be six feet under.
" Of course Hana I'm s-sorry"

An awkward tension fell across the room.

" well I'm going to go to bed g-goodnight" I wanted to get out of this room right this second. I've never been so grateful I had my own room.

" Of course cub I understand that you don't want to stay. Good job defending yourself, I will talk to you tomorrow"

As I share goodnights with everyone I head back to my room and change to my night furs and get in the bed.
Man can I be 17 any sooner?

Y'all school is crazy✋🏾 I come home ready to pass out but I managed to get this chapter out
But y'all- 😭😭 we made 1k reads 🥺🥺✨✨
Thank you guys so much, even you silent readers ✋🏾❤️❤️✨✨🥺
Finished 9/15/2021
Not edited

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