Chapter I Don't What To Name It

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The song above is Monster by EXO

Alex's P.O.V

Eagle kept on trying to hit Wolf with the pillow while Snake, Fox and a new member saw us and they stood at attention.

I stood there by the door chuckling at them. Never thought I'd see the day Wolf would behave like this.

"Eagle! Wolf!" the sergeant suddenly bellowed

They jumped up in fright then stood at attention, with frighten faces.

"K-Unit, Cub will be staying with your unit so behave yourselves. "

"Yes sir" they all replied.

The second the door closed after the sergeant, they started shooting question after question at me. While the new member stood their staring at me then at them.

"BE QUIET!" I shouted.

They were all quiet.

"OK, one question at a time. But first things first who the hell is he?" I said while pointing at nm.

"Oh that's Bear, Bear this is Cub. You wouldn't know each other as Cub was a member before you joined Bear" Said Snake

"" Bear said speechless.

We all laughed at his reaction. After Bear got himself together he said.

"How the hell would he be able to join? He barely looks 18 right now?"

While Snake filled Bear in on how they knew me, I went towards the only empty bed there was, and unpacked which was literally just putting my uniform in the drawer, and hiding my bag which had the rest of the gadgets under my bed (He wore some of his gadgets on his way here). I then went to sleep the second my head hit the pillow.


"Jack, no you can't"

"Please just get out of the car."

She didn't. She couldn't hear me.

BOOM! Next thing I know the car blew up with Jack inside.


I woke up in a startle due to the nightmare I had. I was forever thankful for Fox finding us that day, cause if he hadn't Jack would have never been alive now. I took a quick shower, once I realised that the others weren't here.

I then headed towards the mess hall cause were else could they be at this ungodly hour of 5:30 AM. Once I got there I quickly ate my breakfast, knowing I would be needing energy for whatever Wolf had planned for me.

"Cub, you done eating. 'cause we need to get going now if we want to get through all your tests" said Eagle.

"Yeah" I said as I headed towards them.

Once I was near them they walk out the door intending for me to follow them. We were heading towards the shooting range. As Wolf walk towards a table holding a Bauer Automatic 25 calibre.

'I want you to disassemble and reassemble this gun and shoot all the bullets into that moving target.' He said while still smirking, thinking that I didn't know how to do anything as I was still a kid in his eye.

I took the gun apart and put it together in less than 30 seconds and shot all the bullets in less than a minute. The moving targets came closer and there in the middle was one perfect hole. The smirk fell off the Wolfs face and there instead was faces of shocked soldier. I then smirked and gave the gun to the him.

"So what's next?" I said, while the unit tried to snap out of their shock.

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