Hospitals. I HATE 'EM

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The song above is Run by BTS

Cub's P.O.V

I woke up to a room to a light shining in front of my eyes it was annoying, so I swung my arm at it. The light moved back and so did the man behind the light, the man looked like he was in his early thirties. I was confused and stared back at him opening my mouth to ask "Where the hell I was" but before I could he leaned over with a long sharp, pointy needle in his hand. My mind registered nothing but the needle pointed at me and his coat, I then found myself remembering the times I was captured in the hospital. Then did I feel the throbbing pain in my chest and a pounding in my head, the throbbing threatened me into falling back into the darkness. What am I still doing here? I need to get out fast!

The doctor had begun to move the needle towards my trapped arm while he smiled reassuringly at me. Oh shoot, all I could think about was getting out so I did the obvious, I shot up from my spot and slammed my right hand into the unsuspecting doctor's arm, the needle dropped and stayed there as the doctor didn't go after it. I looked towards the door and saw that there were men standing around the room, so I did a stupid thing and ran towards the door and found two men come at me I incapacitated them and ran for the door. I was only a step away from it, one small step, I felt a sharp pain shoot through his already pounding head and I fell into the darkness.

⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰こんにちは Kon'nichiwa. I also know Japanese⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰

I woke up, again, in the same bed but this time with the throbbing pain in my chest and a pounding head, I had forgotten to take the pills in the morning. I ground out in pain due to the talking in the room. Then did I realize there were to men in the room, I shot up from the cot and saw one of them was Snake while the other was the same doctor from before, and the rest where other SAS men.

Now the doctor turned his eyes towards me and lifted his arms up to show that he wasn't dangerous. There was a nasty black and blue bruise on his right arm, I winced at it. I slowly got up and moved back towards the wall in an attempt in getting comfortable. The doctor took a tentative step towards me, "Okay, Alex we aren't going to do anything to you. I'm just going to check your eye's with a torch."

While the doctor did his check up on me, I started to feel hot and sweaty, I didn't know what the cause was, all I knew was that the temperature is rising and the pain in my chest and head were not getting any better than before.

"Alex, I'm sure you know what happened when you were punched and fainted again. Bear, who is currently not here, had hit you slightly harder than intended. I need you to tell me how you're felling and no lying," The doctor said.

"Um...I feel crap, also hot and sweaty. My head is killing me and my chest feels like it's on fire," I winced.

The doctor shooed out all the SAS men in the room, which only left me, Snake and him.

"Know about your chest, your team mates informed me that you had a bullet wound over there, is that correct"

I just nodded, bad idea it just made the pounding worse in my head.

"So how is it felling?"

"I prefer to not talk about it. I'm fine, so can I go now" I replied

"I know you're not fine, you are everything but not fine. If you don't want to talk about it at least let me see."

"No," I said venomously and put my poker face back on and continued, "Can I leave now."

"Yes you can," he sighed in defeat

I walked out of the infirmary, "Finally," I thought, "No wonder why I hated hospitals." Once I reached the cabin I went towards my suit case, and dug up my pain killers and swallowed two pills down, the throbbing in my chest stopped to a little throb, while the pills helped with the bullet wound It hadn't done much for my head. So I dropped into my cot and fell asleep. Well I at least I get to miss teaching those brats.


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