Well...there goes my dream

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The song above is Fire by BTS



"Come in!"

The rest of the unit and I, came in and closed the door behind us, then stood at attention.

"At ease!" The sergeant said.

"Well, K-Unit, the year 10 students who are coming will be staying with you. Six students from that year level will be arriving tomorrow morning at 6 am on the spot."

"The reason they are here is to for protection as there is a terrorist group called SCORPIA. They have been receiving death notes."

Man I knew they were going to do something dumb but I guess going and threatening little school kids is now on their agenda. I just hope I don't have to train them or be around them.

"Cub you will help them train and sorry to say this but MI6 had made the decisions that those 6 students can know about your spy carrier".

Damn well there goes my dream.

"When they arrive you will have them assessed after giving them a tour and having them settle in. And last thing before your dismissed, Wolf don't kill them, they are here to be protected after all"

We took his silence as a way of dismissing us and left.

⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰Bonjour. I can speak french⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰

It was night time and I couldn't sleep so I got up and went to the track and started jogging around till I got tired and then went back to sleep to get ready for tomorrow. I woke up and looked through my phone and saw the time 5:30 am. We were supposed to be up in 30 min to meet the students. I got up and took a shower and got dressed, when I realized that the rest of the unit were still asleep. So I decided to wake them up.

They all woke up easily except for fox, so I decided to play a trick on him. I got a marker and bucket full of ice water, don't ask where I got them from, and I drew on him while Eagle was holding the water and tipped it on his face once I was finished. He woke with a startle and literately shouted well more like screamed like a banshee, ow. The others and I were laughing our heads off until he realised what the problem was.

While they all got ready I went to the front to meet the students and the sergeant as the time was 5:59. Not my fault if they got into trouble. The students came right when the time turned 6:00. We had to wait full 10 minutes for the rest of the unit to arrive. They came running like their lives depended on it. They stood at attention once they stood in front of the general while at attention.

"At ease. What time did I tell all the units to arrive at?"

"At 6 , sir" said Wolf

"Then why did your unit, with the exception of cub arrive 10 full minutes after the time."


"Just stand in a line." he commanded them, "I'll deal with you once they students settle in."

The students stood there staring at us with the exception of half of them on their phones or fixing their nails.

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