3 Lovers

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I woke up and started to worry, I almost forgot where I was, but then I calmed down remembering that Jake was over, he must've put me in my bed when I fell asleep and left

"Morning" my mom said walking into my room

"What day is it"


"What time is it"


"Why didn't you wake me up earlier!"

I got up quickly and grabbed some black skinny jeans and a tan sweater, brushed my hair and teeth and ran downstairs

I put on some ugg boots, grabbed a little something to eat and got in the car

My mom followed after me got in the car and drove me to school

The good thing is I made it on time it's just I looked TERRIBLE

"hey ashley!" I heard someone say

I turned around to see Hannah

"Were you in a rush?" She said

"What can you tell" I said hiding my face

"Come, I have something that can fix this" Hannah walked to the bathroom and I followed

"I always bring makeup just in case I'm in a rush, so here" Hannah opened a bag that had so much makeup in it

"Thanks so much you just saved me" I started digging through her bag and put on the makeup

When I finished I flipped my hair then adjusted it

"Thank you again" I said

"No probs"

I walked out and saw Jake

"Hey Jake"

He turned around "hey, how'd you sleep"

"Good actually"

"That's good"

The bell rang so me and Jake went to Mr. Bonewoods class together

"Hello class, we're starting a project and you need partners, and you will be picking from this hat not everyone's name is in it so I'll be going around the room to the students whose names aren't in the hat"

Mr. Bonewoods went around the class and they started picking names

"I hope I get Jake" I thought

It was my turn to pick a name I closed my eyes and picked a name I opened it to see... Logan

"Well I guess he's not that bad"

"Ok class you and your partner will be... Blah blah blah"

After class Logan ran up to me and tapped my shoulder

"So when will we work on the project" he said

"You can come by my house after school"

"Oh sounds good"

Logan went off and Jake hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek

"Hey beautiful"

"Hi handsome"

We walked out of class hand in hand

After school me and Logan met up I had already told my mom Logan was coming over and was taking me home

"You ready to go"


I directed Logan to my house

We went inside and up to my room

"Nice" he said

"Thanks, so our project"


I spread everything out on my floor and Logan helped

I looked up and so did he

We were face to face

He leaned in but I turned my head

He pulled back instantly turning red and scratching his head

"Sorry" he said

"It's ok"

"Let's work on the project now"

Great now things are awkward between me and Logan

After a couple hours Logan left so I got ready to go to bed

The next day my mom came into my room to tell me that there was no school due to teacher conferences so I stayed in bed

"Ashley I'm going to go run some errands okay?"

"Okay" I said in a tired voice

My mom left and I fell asleep again but was woken up by knocking on the front door

I went downstairs in my tank and shorts not really caring who it was

I opened the door to see... AUSTIN?!

"Ashley?" He said

"What do you want" I said backing up

I still loved Austin deep down in my heart after what he did to me

"I want to apologize" he said walking in closing the door behind him

"You already have" I said shaking a little

"But you never forgave me" he said walking closer to me as I walked back

Soon we were at the point where I was against the wall and Austin was right there in front of my face

"Just answer one question" he said


"Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me you don't love me so I can move on" he said his eyes starting to water

I looked at him straight into those beautiful eyes of his and my eyes started to water too but I forced back the tears

"I... Don't... Love you" I said

We looked at each other for a minute which seemed to last forever

But then something made me kiss him like a feeling

Of course he kissed right back

I put my arms around his neck and things got heated

We quickly went up to my room and he laid me down on my bed and hovered over me and continued kissing

But who had to ruin my moment?... My mom

"I'm home!" We heard her say

"Dang it" I said

We hurried and put our shirts back on and went downstairs slowly

Austin snuck out while my mom was in the kitchen

"Hey honey" my mom said


"You okay?" She asked me nothing that I had a gloomy look on my face

I suddenly shot up a smile and looked at her "yeah" I said

"Except for the fact that I just made out with my ex, cheated on Jake, and now have 3 lovers in my hands" I thought

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