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"What about him"

"Mom you can't marry Darek" I said putting my hands on my face

"I understand your mad but I finally found someone else for me"

"And so did I!" I yelled moving my hands off my face

"And what's wrong with me being happy?"

"You being happy with Darek means I can't be happy with Logan because... because I- I love Logan"

My mom just stopped

"Ashley what's more important, me having a husband or you having a boyfriend you can easily dump"

I just stared at my mom and started to tear up

"You have no idea, every guy I love DUMPS ME or breaks me, I can never be happy with a guy, my life is so complicated, and you... you got over dad just like that, do even care about what I might think of things anymore, or is YOUR love life more important!" I yelled at her

She was speechless

"I'm going up to my room, night"

Sam followed me upstairs

I just laid on my bed and cried

"What has my life become" I said to Sam as if he could reply

I missed my dad terribly but never told my mom because I knew she wouldn't want to see him

I need to leave

I need to go to my dad

I grabbed a bag and started putting stuff in it like:
Food (for me)
Food (for Sam)
A tooth brush

I grabbed my phone (and my charger)

And also Sam's leash

I hid it in my closet

I was gonna leave after my mom went to bed

I'd walk

Maybe even catch a train (that allowed dogs)

"You ready for this Sam?" I said to him

He wined

"Or stay here"

He came up and licked me

"That's what I thought"

My mom was getting ready for bed then she came in my room

I pretended to be asleep

"Goodnight" she said

She went back to her room then turned her light off and soon fell asleep

When I heard my mom snoring a little I grabbed the stuff out of the closet

I didn't even bother to write a letter or anything

I didn't want my mom to know where I was and I didn't want to even talk to her

I just wanted to leave

I put Sam on his leash and quietly went downstairs

I was almost at the door when I heard my mom

She was coming downstairs

I quickly hid my stuff and Sam's leash behind a plant

"Ashley?" I heard my mom say

"What" I said a little more rudely than expected

"What're you doing up so late?"

"Letting Sam out"

"Oh okay, I just need a drink"

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