Monster Cash

910 13 9

James' POV

It's been some time since we all got on the bus, and it was starting to feel like home. We then arrived at our designated location, an Abandoned Film Lot. The Bus Driver then opens the door to let us out.

Duncan: *Sniffs* Man, I missed the smell of the city!

"Duncan then gets off the bus, followed by Leshawna, Harold, and then Gwen and Heather, who "collided" when trying to get off the bus."

Heather: Step off!

Gwen: You step off!

Heather and Gwen: "Grrrrr..."

The Bus Driver then pushed both of them off. "We eventually got off the bus with our luggage, but there's no sign of Chris anywhere."

Leshawna: Where is everybody?

Gwen: "Uhh..." Maybe we got off at the wrong stop?

James: Broken-Down Bus. Abandoned Film Lot. "This has to be the place."

Heather: I'm not hanging around here.

Leshawna: "You're gonna give up "the chance" at a million big ones?" Heh, that's a lot of hair weaves.

Heather begins to respond, but nothing comes out of her mouth as she puts her wig back on.

Heather: Guess I can stay for a bit.

Beth: Face it. The money's the reason we all put up with Chris.

Trent: Beth, you got your braces off! Nice!

Trent's right! How come I didn't "notice" that?!

Leshawna: You look "fi-i-ine," girl!

Gwen: You "really" do.

Lindsay: "You are totally on your way to looking the part of my new BFF" That's my new best french friend. I am so moving to France when I win!

Beth: My mom said my world would "totally" open up when I got my braces off. She was right! I'm going to France!

Lindsay and Beth: Yay!

"We then start to hear the sound of a horn as Chris arrives in a tour cart that's connected to a much longer cart, filled with many seats."

Duncan: Dude, it's about time!

Chris: Hop-on, everyone! Come on, people! Sheesh! We haven't got all day. This cart's "rented" by the hour.

As soon as everyone gets seated, the cart takes off, leaving a drifted Izzy behind.

Owen: Izzy, Run!

But Izzy doesn't respond.

Owen: I mean Kaleidoscope.

Izzy: No one leaves E-Scope behind.

Izzy then pounces her chest like Tarzan. She then catches up to the cart and back handsprings herself into it.

Chris: Welcome to the set of "Total Drama Action." This season's hottest reality show will be shot here, on an abandoned film lot.

Lindsay: Oh! Does this mean we're "gonna" be in the movies?

Chris: No, it means you're "gonna" be on TV. And don't interrupt me. Ever.

Lindsay: Oops! Sorry.


We soon drive through a western set. It's filled with saloons, a town bank, and other buildings.

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