The Aftermath: I

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A/N: Please ignore any scenes where you see Justin in the Total Drama Action Aftermath 1 intro.

Audience POV

The audience begins clapping and cheering as the new "Total Drama Action Aftermath show" starts. "The new hosts were sitting on the couch being none other than Geoff and Bridgette."

Geoff: What's going on, everyone?! Welcome to the brand-new, totally off-the-hook "Total Drama Action Aftermath" show!

The crowd then applauses again.

Bridgette: We're coming to you live to dish out everything "Total Drama Action!"

Geoff: This is where the real action is. Yeah! I'm Geoff.

Bridgette: And I'm Bridgette.

Geoff: You may remember us from such series as "Total Drama Island" and its even more thrilling sequel, "Total Drama Action."

Bridgette: "Which we "were" voted off of for kissing and lost out on a million bucks."

Geoff: I still say that making out makes for "awesome" television. But, hey, now we've got our "own" show, and this is way more fun, right? Yeah!

Bridgette: *Laughs* Right. "Now we get to hang with you, and we're super "stoked" for the new season."

Geoff: What did you guys think of it so far? "The film lot, totally "awesome," right?"

The crowd then starts cheering again.

Geoff: We are so psyched to be here.

?: Yeah, speak for yourselves.

Geoff: I was speaking for myself. But glad you reminded us you're here. Eva everyone!

The crowd cheers as Eva awkwardly smiles and waves.

Geoff: We've brought along all our peeps from last season.

Bridgette: They may be losers but not in our book, right, Geoff?

Sadie: That is so sweet, you guys.

Geoff: All right! We've got Cody.

Bridgette: And Noah. "...Ezekial."

Geoff: Ha-ha! Yo, Home Schooled! Let's give it up again for Eva!

Bridgette: Katie and Sadie!

Sadie: Oh my gosh!

Katie: We are so super excited to be here!

Geoff: And a shout-out to Courtney.

Courtney doesn't even look up as she continues talking to her lawyer on the phone.

Courtney: We are "going" to sue the pants off this show, Michael.

Geoff: Uh, whoops. Okay.

Bridgette: And Tyler!

Geoff: "There you are, dude." Would somebody please tell Lindsay?

Bridgette: We've also got a ton of texts and emails from all of you.

Geoff: Plus, we'll have a couple of you on "webcam." "Which is super, super cool."

Bridgette: "Izzy...I mean, Kaleidoscope will be here."

Geoff: And of course, Trent!

Bridgette: Oh, poor Trent, right? What happened to him is just so wrong.

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