One Flu Over The Cuckoos

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Action..." "Imprisoned in a "world" they didn't create, forced to ingest "deadly" foods; and even to taste them twice." Nonetheless, the two courageous teams clawed their way to freedom. And a lonely chef made a new friend. But prison is no place for traitors, even cool Goth ones. "So, at the end of the day, it was "goodbye Gwen," hello...Izzy?!" Yeah, Izzy. That girl is eight shades of nutty. Will she drive everyone else crazy too? Will James ever trust his teammates again? Find out now on Total Drama Action.

Audience POV

The Contestants were walking back to their Trailers after a long day of dealing with the prison challenge.

Izzy: Haha. Everything is so much smaller than I remembered.

Duncan: I still can't believe Gwen made a side deal with the other team. "...Didn't know she had it in her."

Harold: She made a side deal with Owen, Beth, and Lindsay. "James was the only one that Gwen didn't make a deal with." And look at him now; he's lost a lot of trust in his teammates.

Izzy: I remember that bush. I remember that tree. "I..."  Ooh! Ugh! Oh! I remember that rock. Hey, rock.

Heather: Well, I can't believe they let Izzy back. They "totally" negated our numbers advantage. And that's the only advantage we had.

Leshawna: Don't be starting something, girl.

Lindsay: *Yawns* Well, good night, everybody.

Lindsay then goes to the girl's trailer, only for her to faceplant herself straight into the trailer door. Duncan then tries to force open the guy's trailer door.

Duncan: Hey, who locked the door? Urgh!

Izzy: Wait, wait. Let me try it.

Izzy then rams her whole body into the guy's trailer door, but it doesn't work. Suddenly, a siren can be "heard" heading towards them all. Izzy, afraid that the cops are back for her, ducks into the bush she saw earlier. An ambulance screeches in front of them before dropping off a sheet-covered object on a wheeled bed through the back doors and taking off.

Heather: Ew! What is that? A dead body?

Duncan: "Or an undead body."

Suddenly, the body known as Chris, lying on a ton of stacked textbooks, takes off the sheet, revealing himself.

Chris: Boo!

Harold: Argh!

Harold then jumps into Leshawna's arms, scared.

Chris: Calm yourselves. No one's dead yet. I'm here to prep you plucky ducks for our most awesome challenge yet. "These textbooks hold the "sum" total of eight years of med school." "And each "one" of you gets one, 'cause tomorrow we're "gonna" play doctor."

*Start of Confessional*

Duncan: "I hate doctors. They get off on telling people "stuff" they don't wanna hear, like..." "Like "Don't pick at that scab" or "If you eat but pickled eggs, you'll die." Hey, don't tell me what I can't eat. "Now playing doctor..." "Playing doctor, I can handle."

Harold: "I could be a doctor if I wanted to. I have plenty of hands-on "experience," 'cause I've contracted more than three hundred known diseases. And I've been cured of nearly all of them. But there is no known vaccine for loving Leshawna."

*End of Confessional*

James' POV

Chris: "To win this challenge, you're gonna wanna memorize the entire contexts of these textbooks..." " morning."

TDA: Contestant JamesWhere stories live. Discover now