20XX: A Space Owen

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Action..." In a world they didn't create, two honorable warriors and two irrepressible foes battled for Kung Fu supremacy. No mountain was too high, no obi sash too tight. In the end, James won the reward. But Courtney had an even "bigger" victory winning Beth over. "But it's gonna take more than a puny alliance to survive this week on..." Total Drama Action.

James' POV

We all got out of our Trailers in the middle of the night as loud music went on outside, knowing that it was the "Narcissistic Loony" known as Chris. 

Beth: What's going on?

Duncan: Argh, argh. My back. Argh, what's with the mattresses? Are they filled with rocks or something?

*Start of Confessional*

James: "Okay, I might have filled Duncan's mattress with rocks, but don't forget that he's the reason why Gwen and Trent's relationship fell apart, and what your seeing is the beginning of vengeance!"

*End of Confessional*

"As far as I can tell, Owen, Duncan, and I are still tired since we don't know what time it is."

Courtney: Can you believe these guys, Beth? What a bunch of Neanderthals.

Beth: *Excited hoots*

We then see that Chef is banging two bones on a pot while He and Chris are "dressed up" as cavemen.

Chris: Good morning, cast. Or should I say, "Good middle of the night?" "Hope you're all well rested and ready to boldly go where very few men and even fewer ladies have gone before."

James: Wait a minute. We already did a caveman movie challenge.

Chris: We did, James. "But we had to reuse the costumes since my astronomical salary accounts for ooh..." Roughly ninety-seven percent of the show's budget.

Owen: "Argh, dude." It's the middle of the night. And I was having the best dream about a bottomless deep-dish pizza.

Chris: Sorry, Owen. While today's movie genre may start at the dawn of time, it quickly moves up, up, and away.

Beth: Ohh. I get it now. We're doing outer space movies.

Courtney: Give us your first clue, genius.

*Start of Confessional*

Beth: "I think splitting off from the guys and forming a girl alliance with Courtney is "really" paying off. I mean, you heard her, "right?" She called me a genius!"

*End of Confessional*

Beth: Cool! "This is so exciting." I love sci-fi.

Courtney: Don't you get enough science fiction with that "imaginary boyfriend of yours?" What's his fake name again? Brainy?

Beth: It's "Bray-dy." And he's "totally" real.

Chris: Listen up, "space cases." You'll soon be facing some "out of this world" challenges. But first, I have a "very" special surprise for you.

Chris then moves a prop out of the way to reveal to all of f us a table with five boxes on it.

Chris: Each of you has received one "special" item sent to you from the outside world, which "by now" must feel like a distant planet.

Chris then tosses each of us a package.

Owen: Ooh. What'd I get? *Chuckles* What'd I get?

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