The Sand Witch Project

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Action..." A girl with Vision. "Vision that took her past everyday thinking." But when the chips were down, and even when the chips came back up again, she was the only one who could rescue them, searching for a cure for the disease afflicting her dearest friends. A challenge was "won." A cure found. "But will her betrayal..." *Crunch* *Munch* *Munch* Hey, what can I say? Gross disease movies make me crave a little corn. But it's time to put the snacks away, kiddies. Because after this "totally" terrifying episode, there "won't" be a stomach left unturned. Hold onto your buckets. It's time for some Total Drama Action!

James' POV

We all decided to call a temporary truce for the day. DJ is "passed out," sleeping on the grass while Duncan and I are kicking a soccer ball back and forth around him. Heather is relaxing on a lawn chair, and the others are playing a game of cards. We then see Lindsay arriving with a small bucket with a strap wrapped around her neck, which is full of sandwiches that are "actually good."

Lindsay: I "can't" believe you managed to steal these from lunch! *Gulps* Yummers!

Beth then cartwheels her way over to all of us, trying to show us her latest trick, The Egg Salad Firework. She does a few flips before taking out a bunch of sandwiches and flinging them into the air to be gulped down. Unfortunately, Owen steals them in midair before they "could" reach Beth's mouth.

Beth: Owen! Stop stealing my sammies!

Owen: *Mouth full* "What are you talking about?"

Leshawna: *Mouth full* You disgust me, Owen.

Heather: *Mouth full* Yeah, what kind of pig are you? Mm.

Beth: You're all stealing them?!

James: *Mouth full* We're all hungry. *Gulps* And Chef's food has gotten so good!

Suddenly, we hear that DJ is snoring very loudly.

Beth: This is fun. "Huh, bestie?" Imagine if there was no challenge today.

Lindsay: Oh my god. We could "totally just" hang out and braid each other's hair. I would love that, "bestie."

Heather: Some of us are "trying" to keep up our strength to "actually win the competition."

Lindsay: We don't think there is one today.

Heather: There better be. I am here to win a million dollars, and the faster I eliminate you two pathetic, spineless followers, the better.

*Start of Confessional*

Lindsay: "You see those little bumps back there? Those are "totally" a spine

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Lindsay: "You see those little bumps back there? Those are "totally" a spine. I am not a follower. "Like at cheerleading; I'm right in the middle of the pyramid." "And when all my sisters and I decide on something, like where to go shopping or whatevs." "I'm always the third vote." "That's not...oh." Well, I can change! UH, if that's okay with you guys."

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