The Aftermath: IV

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Geoff: "...?!" What, me?! I'm supposed to read that?! "Okay..." Uh. Last time on Total Drama Action. Our timbers got seriously shivered as Beth and James suffered through the final pirate movie challenge. "Whoa, dudes." "Looks like that was a blast." They followed that up with a crazy run through every crazy challenge from the whole-entire season. And even though James had a massive lead, Beth caught up fast, earning bonus time as the girl who knows everything about everybody! Our heroes were running neck-and-neck until a final act of kindness led to a tie. One tie, two competitors, who's "gonna" win it? Find out right here and right now; on Total Drama Action!

James' POV

Everyone gasped as they saw Beth and I tied for first. And we were not happy at the moment; both of us would be angry if we learned that there was no Tie Breaker.

Geoff: *Whispers* What do we do now?

James: Please tell me you guys have a backup plan here?!

Geoff: Nope. But since we're all here together one last time. Let's party! *Cheers*

Bridgette: *Chuckles* Geoff and I cut together some sweet footage of everybody from the whole season.

James and Beth: But what about...?

Geoff: Don't get your shorts in a nod. There's plenty of time to pick a winner. "Role the clip."

We then looked up to see a TV play some clips of everything we did throughout the season.

Bridgette: Um. Hey you guys. Why don't you come and join us in the winner's seat?

Beth: There's only one chair.

Geoff: *Nervous Chuckles* Yep.

And so, Beth and I went to the winner's seat, and we both had to make room since it wasn't big enough for two people.

James: Can we at least get another seat?

Geoff: Since Chris took off on vaycay, we prepared some never-before-seen clips.

Bridgette: "We think this will help our audience see the real Chris McLean. "

Geoff: "We're "gonna" play them later in the show for "y'all," but here's a little preview to get you interested."

We then looked up at the TV as it played some footage of Chris singing in the shower like a woman and then screaming like one after an intern moved the shower curtains. The next scene showed him eating a sandwich while his mouth had fry sauce on him.

Geoff: This is the last time we're "gonna" see each other, guys. "Getting a bit choked up here."

Bridgette: Oh. Well, we've had an "awesome" time together. "I'm "gonna" miss you guys."

Leshawna: Oh. We'll miss you too, girl. Now pick a winner so we can all go home.

Geoff: "Not before we play our most painful ever season finale all-star version of..." That's Gonna Leave a Mark!

Bridgette: Roll clip!

We then looked at the TV as it got ready to show us clips of all of us from the season getting hurt. First, we see that Gwen used the golden shovel to hit Harold in his head. We then see Owen getting hit by golf balls. We then see Heather getting sniped by Chef's slime gun. We then see Lindsay being pushed back by the strong winds of fans against a fake wall. We then see Duncan getting his head bashed by Courtney's Bone. We then see Lindsay punch Harold in the face with marshmallow boxing gloves. We then see me getting crushed by Owen. We then see Izzy getting shot by a slime projectile and falling in slow motion. We then see Lindsay getting hit in the eye by a paper plane. We then see Owen getting hit in the face by two sticks. We then see Gwen getting hit by a seagull. We then see Owen getting his jaw busted in slow motion. We then see me getting hit in the left eye by Courtney's glass boot. We then see me running into a wooden pole with the frog helmet on me.

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