Chapter 5

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We followed her through the stairs and it look like a basement or something like that . I finally spot out Waves laying senseless on the floor . We all rushed towards her and pulled her up Nicole took her away and injected the antidote as soon as she came back to her senses .

Nicole - Hey Waves , I got you .

Waves - You all finally came , Nicole I dot know why I didn't get back to you even when I saw you ,I was doing everything involuntarily .

Nicole - Hey you don't have to say anything ok , we know everything .

Waverly - You know ? Who was the man in the black suit ?

Nicole - Most propably you are talking about Satan the greatest vampire of all the times .

Waverly - Oh my god , that's new .

Wynonna , Doc went to fight with other vampire and saving other people . Finally Waverly and Nicole got up and join the fight . Wynonna finally faced Satan ,

Wynonna - Hey, you The Satan , son of bitch .

Satan turned towards Wynonna with dreadful eyes which was fully red . Wynonna fought with Satan with her full power but ultimately failed after a long fight . Satan just threw her towards the wall which started to break down through the cracks . Wynonna for a ,moment thought that it was the end of her life .

Suddenly some force stopped it . She opened her eyes and saw it was Waverly , she was again shifted into full angel with black feathers holding the massive wall . She then pushed the wall the other side . When she looked forward she was surprise for the second time in one minute . She saw that Satan was fighting with Nicole and none of his power was applicable for Nicole .

When Nicole finally removed her hair from her back all of them saw that the sign of Angel shield glowed from Nicole's neck . It was dark red . When Satan was finally defeated , she pleaded to both Nicole and Waverly to leave him but they both were very angry and both have royal blue glowing eyes . Finally Satan ran away as soon as Nicole left him . Both Nicole and Waverly changed into normal human being with their normal brown eyes .

Wynonna - You guys just gave me a mini heart attack especially you Waves .

Waverly - We were just protecting you all from Satan .

Wynonna - Yeah I knew that but the fact that last time you shifted to angel you were going far away from me and the fact of you leaving me terrified me .

Nicole - That's not gonna happen coz I am her shield , the angel shield .

Wynonna - Let that be a promise .

Nicole (chuckles) - I swear Wynonna .

We all left that place .

At home

Waverly was changing her dress ,Nicole looking at her constantly .

Waverly - What ?!

Nicole - Nothing , I just missed you so much the last night . (sobbing)

Waverly - Hey I am right here now I am not going anywhere (hugging Nicole).

Nicole - I know baby .

Waverly - How about we have sex tonight ?

Nicole - Haha , very funny . I am not risking your life baby not anymore . I won't be alive without you , now come beside me and give me some cuddle .

Waverly - Sure anything you want . ( with a sad face )

After a weak

Dr Bishop - Hey Waverly we have implanted the growing embryo inside your body , it will develop as a normal child pregnancy and you would be delivering on approximately 17th July , if the baby is normal .

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