Chapter 14

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J - Um hey Ava very sorry to say that something came up and I cannot go for a date with you 😔😔 .
A - Its fine ........ its absolutely fine .I think the work you have got in hand needs more attention now 😊.
J - Are you ok with it ??
A - I'm absolutely fine silly .
J - Thanks a lot Ava .
A - Its ok now you concentrate on your work .
J - Thanks for your support .
A - Anytime now go to sleep . Its already 1 am .
J - Yeah same to you .
A - Sure thing baby .
Juliana was shocked when she saw the term baby .
A - (after seeing Juliana is online but not replying) Oh sorry for calling you 'baby' .

J - Its ok you can call me whatever you like to call . Now good night sweetie .

A - Good night .

Next day - Evening

Nicole - Everyone ready ?

Waverly , Juliana , Wynonna , Doc . Jermy (unison) - YES !!!!!!

Nicole - Okay guys let's go .

All of them went in front of the door .

Wynonna - How would you open this damn door (kicking the door ).

Nicole - Let me see it (shot the door but the resumes its original position ) . FUCK ( yelling ).

Juliana - Let me try Nicole .

Waverly - No baby let them handle it .

Juliana - May be I can do it .

Juliana slightly pushes the door and it opens .

Waverly - Wait Julie how did you do that ?

Juliana - Um . mom . I .. uh .

Nicole - By using your power .

Waverly - What ?

Nicole - Yeah remember she is something supernatural so she used her power to open the door .

Waverly - But this door needs vampires permission . How did she get that ?

Nicole - I think she somehow managed it , Waves the thing is the door is open and we need to go and find it out any clue .

Waverly - But

Wynonna - No buts Babygirl lets move .

They silently moved to the place where Waverly was kept after kidnapping . They saw many vampires and other 'supernatural shits'. They slowly found a door . Juliana moved towards it and pushed it and the door opened .

Everyone in the crowd (unison) - SATAN . SATAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Juliana looked shocked and so did everyone but did not see anything other than howling so they kept moving the door leds to the stairs downwards .

Juliana - This seems like descending to hell .(laughs)

Wynonna - Stop laughing you asshole .

Doc - WYNONNA !!!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly a rope came and coiled itself around her and frozed her . She could see and feel everything but couldn't move . Satan came in front of them .

Satan - Finally you came to me you little girl !(pointing towards Juliana ).

Nicole - Stay away from our daughter you redhead dick .

Satan - Shhhhh !!!! Does she even call you her mother , you ginger bitch ?

Juliana looks downwards feeling guilty and ashamed .

Satan - Now she would do whatever I would make her do .

And in no time Satan eyes started beeming a golden yellow light directly into Julia's eyes and her eyes grows yellow and her fangs comes out so did her claws with a huge black nerve spreading all around her . All of them stood still .

Jermy - Might she's no more an half angel-half vampire . Satan has converted her into a full vampire .

Waverly - She is what ?

Jermy - Um she ..she is .

Nicole - Here she blows , babe the other day you said that I was hiding something from you and it was that Julie's biological dad is a vampire and she doesn't have a heart . (looking downwards )

Waverly - NICOLE ! You are hiding this from me ?? I thought you are hiding something non essential about her love life or something .I didn't expect this from you .

Nicole - Babe .

Waverly - You remember the result when the last time when you hide something from me ?

Nicole - Yeah we had a fight , we broke up , partially . But babe , please listen Julie


Nicole's eyes were forming tears she was going to say something before Julie cam and lifted Waverly up by her neck and threw her across the room .

Nicole - Julie what the hell ?

Jermy - She is no more Julie she is a full shift vampire .

Nicole - What ?

As soon as Waverly hit the walls she changed herself into an dark angel with her black wings and face filled with ashes . Nicole turned into angel-shield with a power to protect the angel and the human .

Waverly - Surrender your self to Gurdians of the Edens .

Juliana - Surrendering to gurdians are the most stupid thing I have done .

Waverly - Face the consequences .

Nicole - Fight with me before hurting them .

Juliana throw a beam of yellow light towards Nicole which hurt her mildly and very soon she reflected the power beam . After staying for few minutes she got tired and stop reflecting and fell towards the wall .

Nicole stood up and she threw a blue flame towards Juliana which she reciprocated by using a dark black ray of beam . Finally Nicole stops her beam and Juliana chose to attack her with her power which would lessen the power of the angel-shield and threw a dark red beam . As soon as it reached to Nicole it seems like her skin was burning and baked alive she cannot stay any longer but she didn't give up she tried to reciprocate it but she failed this time and the red flame seems to absorb more and more in her skin and she grew weaker and weaker as time passed . She felt on the hard floor and blood was all around her body . Waverly shouted "ANGEL-SHIELD" ,but by that time she was no where to response , hell she looks like a lifeless body . Waverly walked towards Juliana and she threw her an aqua flame which immediately hurt her and she shifted backwards and feel like it made a hole in the place where it touches her body . When she no longer can hold her she opens her eyes and it was dark than ever and her skin produces a scale to protect herself from the beam she formed a shield around her and the flame reflects itself and hits Waverly hurting her and she stops the flame . Juliana screams in pain and falls on the ground unconscious .

Satan - Well done my girl and leave the rest on me .

Waverly - What do you mean by that ?

Satan - You would understand it very soon .

He does some telepathic and threw Waverly across the room beside Nicole .

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